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     Hi everyone another chapter from your girl.
TW has passed 300 reads , I still can't believe.
Anyway carry on.

chapter 12


Idara's POV

after an hour or so we landed.

Femi had to hold my hand again, it felt like a rollercoaster, that feeling you get while riding it.

And I hated that feeling.

After landing, we walked out of the plane and into the airport. we carried our bags and luggage and soon we were inside another bus similar to the one back.

I looked around, everywhere looked and felt so different. Different people also filled the airport.

I couldn't help my excitement again this time. I looked out the window watching the unfamiliar city and buildings.

So, this was how it felt to be in a foreign area.

"have you been here before?"

I asked Femi whose head was buried in his phone. In fact, everyone was acting normally as if they were used to it. And they were used to it.

He looked up from his phone,

"yeah I have been here before."

"wow." I nodded and faced the window back.

After that the remaining ride was in silence with my face stuck on the window just watching everywhere.

After the long ride we finally reached our destination.

Almost everyone was asleep even Femi beside me and Liz, Angel sitting at my front, but my eyes were wide open.

We were leaded out and we were in some resort of some sort.

The hotel where we would lounge in was right in front of us. I looked around and there was forest surrounding most of the areas.

We were leaded inside after carrying our bags.

The inside of the building looked more modernized than the outside but still had that antique touch to it.

"Peters Idara and Femi Davies, room 25."

"yes sir."

After everyone's room was called, we were told to settle before coming out for dinner.

After checking lots of doors we finally found ours.

Femi opened the door and we both entered.

Everywhere looked lively and great.

Two beds were placed side by side with a bedside table dividing them.

I dropped my bag on the floor and sat down on one. I quickly brought out my phone, removing it from the airplane mode. I called my mum to inform her that we had arrived safely in order to avoid her rage if I didn't.

I told her all about where we were and how we were surrounded by forest and that made matters worse since she was asking if snake might appear, I was even asking myself that question too.

I guess it was all for our biology or geography. To know more about the ecosystem so we were currently in a hotel with forests around it.

The forest was usually used for tourism and since this place contained animals, they also used it as a natural home for animals and I am still not sure why we should go to a forest.

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