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Another lovely cover.

I don't want a perfect life , I want a happy one .

Idara's POV

"What was that about?" I asked Femi immediately he came to meet me so we could walk to the cafeteria together.

He sighed "babe , just forget that drama with Ayo and Ire."
He finally said after maybe thinking about the best answer to give and well that was bad.

"Femi what about all the 'we are secret partners' why can't you just tell me. " I said hoping he would talk about it.

"It's just ........ " He stopped looking at me."aren't you hungry. Let's go first I'll tell you later." He said fast and took my hand in his .

Our hands fitting perfectly as usual .

I frowned at his attempt of  avoiding the question. Femi was so full of secrets.
Find out one and another is there. Unlike me, I had a really normal life.

When we got there , he opened the door for the both of us still holding my hand we got our food and went to the seat.

I sat down beside Angel with Femi sitting beside me on my right side.

I was so into my food like always and then I felt someone's presence behind me .

I looked up to see Ire who was bending down so he could whisper something to Femi.

I noticed Ayo was so angry  and the so called Ire guy wasn't even bothered but looked sad as he said "please can we talk? Guys na."

He said it without the accent. Daniel scoffed where he was sitting

"what makes you think we will actually listen to what you have to say.
We finished everything when you left."

Now I was so confused, well I had no idea what was actually happening.

"I was  forced okay...Please " he said again.

Ayo stood up from where he was sitting and walked to him holding him by his top.
"Stop lieing"he muttered dangerously.

Maybe they were bad boys .

Daniel stood up with his hands in his pocket just like Ire and walked to meet them.

"Stop causing a drama and let's go somewhere quiet." Daniel said removing Ayo's hand from Ire's top.

Femi stood up from his own chair, he didn't look worried just had a blank expression until he turned to me. He pecked me on my lips winking and grinning as he walked away with them.

Looking at all of them , they all had different swags just the same dressing style.

Even ire too so that meant  maybe before they transferred the four of them were a gang.

I really wanted to know what was going on , when I turned to look at Liz , I realised my own  curiousness was actually small.

Angel just looked calm , "Angel do you know what's happening?" I asked her as I leaned to her side. She just shrugged.

"I don't , but I know I will know later on , one way or the other."

I laughed at her but it was true"mama oo , coded coded." "Idara you're not serious." She said back laughing.

After the break , we walked back to the class. I was relieved they were all in class except Femi .

I looked at his side only to feel someone's eyes on me. You know that feeling you get , so I followed the feeling and turned only to meet Ire staring at me.

Femi's POV

Finally  it was break.
I walked up to Idara and what she asked next wasn't surprising.

I just wasn't ready to tell her. After ensuring her I will tell her later we were finally eating when Ire  came.

"Your girlfriend is beautiful." He whispered in my ears before turning to Ayo and Daniel begging them .

I know they will fall for it. Everyone does , but I will make sure Idara never and I mean it , never fall for him too.

We were currently walking to an empty , nonfunctional classroom. Me and Idara's secret place.

Ire sighed "am really sorry for leaving like that.
My mum was angry . She told the teacher all those stuff and bribed him to act on it. When we got home , she told dad that I wasn't feeling okay and she wants only our family doctor in the states to treat me. My dad surely did that and am sorry ."

I didn't necessarily fall for his story, why would I ? When that same night that same father flogged me to pulp .

The next words I heard "it's fine ." Made me know he has won them over again.

I knew he would but I decided to talk "do you know that same night we all suffered." I said incredulously

"And I can't believe you guys are only bluff without action."I stated angrily as I walked out of the class.

Walking to my BMW , I entered and sped off. Not knowing where I was going or why I was leaving.

the guy just freaking won again even after all what he did , I thought.

I turned my car around remembering Idara and my promise to drop her off today.

I parked my car again and walked to the class . The guys looked at me with guilt in their eyes.

I just rolled my eyes at them and walked to Idara.

I bent to her height and whispered"let's go." .

She grinned as she stood up ,  Femi "where have you been?"
  I sighed
" I went for a ride or more like a drive" I said back as we walked to the class.

When we got there she sat at our usual seat. We had free periods which was actually reading periods .

I sat close to her and leaned closer I hugged her.

When we were out of air we moved back , "that was amazing."I said at her as she blushed .

She grinned as she moved closer to me."I know right?" "Yeah." I said in a low voice. And we were there just staring at each other until she broke the silence.

"So are you gonna tell me or not?" She asked resting back on her chair making me remember I actually promised to tell her.

"Okay what do you wanna know?"

Another kissing scene!!
What did ire do and do you think of him as a threat to their love life.

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Eniola 💗

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