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Jungkook gulped hard enough that it hurt his throat. They were in the middle of an interview, in the background he could hear Namjoon speaking something but his main focus were Jimin and Taehyung. His closest friends. They were holding hands and continuously glancing at each other.

It drove him crazy. If he didn't get this feeling out of him he was sure he was going to burst. Jungkook couldn't exactly go for a run in the middle of an interview or start pacing suddenly. He would be thought of as mentally unstable.

He did the only thing that would come out as normal. He poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue and slid his arm around Hoseok's shoulder who stook beside him, fidgeting with his hyung's shirt.

The thing was, Jungkook hadn't been expecting things to escalate so quickly. Rumour had spread among the ARMY that Taehyung and Jimin were dating and the fact that they were the best of friends as well as the closest duo in the group didn't help. It was then decided by their manager that to increase BTS's popularity they would give in to the rumour.

Jimin and Taehyung had been asked to "act" as if they were in a real relationship but lately things between them seemed more real than ever.

They used to let go of each other as soon as the camera was gone. They were close then too but close as best friends. Now, there seemed no stopping them from clinging to each other even if the camera was no where near.

It broke Jungkook's heart to see them like that. Every time they fell asleep in each other's arms in the car or in the airplane, every time they stared at each other, every time they even touched each other Jungkook heard a crack forming somewhere and he knew it was his heart.


They were back home and had there evening off from practice. Everyone was glad to have some free time because lately they had very hectic schedules. Yoongi was busy sleeping, Namjoon was reading a book in the solitude of his room, Hoseok was watching something on his own phone, Seokjin was busy filming a VLive and Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were watching TV. Well it was basically just Jungkook because Jimin and Taehyung weren't exactly paying attention.

He heard Jimin giggle at something Taehyung had said and saw him lean towards Taehyung. They were so close that if either one of them moved even a little bit they would end up kissing.

Jungkook loudly dropped the TV remote as he was about to switch off the TV and snapped the two lovebirds out of their daze. They looked as if they had seen a ghost. Jungkook muttered a sorry and went in his room unable to keep his emotions in anymore.

He locked the door to his room and strangled his pillow. When that didn't seem to do the trick he punched the wall that was beside his bed. It was when he was hissing in pain holding his fist to his chest that he noticed the presence of someone else in the room.

Yoongi stared at Jungkook, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. Jungkook's eyes widened in shock. He gulped loudly, his hurting hand long forgotten.

Yoongi simply raised an eyebrow in question and it had Jungkook letting go of the tide. He told his hyung everything. From start to end. When he was finished Yoongi looked at him with pity. He did not know what to say and Jungkook simply went into the shower, crying his eyes out as he realised the extent of his broken heart.

"Jungkook," his hyung had said before he went into the shower. "You should tell him."

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