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The waiting room was in chaos. Stylists rushed in and out of the room, the seven idols were being dressed up for their comeback. Fans were crowding into the venue, and anxiety was on their heels.

Jungkook tried to calm his breathing as his make-up artist complained about the dark circles under his eyes. He could hear similar complains coming over from Jimin and Taehyung's stylists as well.

They were all very anxious to release their new album. When the venue was completed filled with ARMY fans, their cheers could be heard as the bangtan boys made their way towards their entrance to the stage.

Namjoon gave them a pep talk, they did their cheer and they were on stage. Soon, Jungkook wasn't Jeon Jeongguk, but Jungkook of BTS, and Namjoon not Kim Namjoon but RM.

They performed with all energy, which their fans loved. It made their heart swell as they heard them cheering. They had been through a lot to make it to this day.

When their performance was over, they were packed into cars and rushed into their apartment after a way too many interviews and photos being clicked if them.

When they were finally home and rested, they decided to break the news to their fans.

They went on Vlive around 9.30pm that night. Jimin sat as far away from Taehyung as possible and Jungkook somehow managed to squeeze into the little space left beside him. They were all crowded in the studio in their apartment, which was luckily big enough to accommodate them all.

The live was going good at the start, all the members talking casually to the fans then thanking them for always being by their side and supporting them. That was, until the serious part came.

"Before we end the live, we have something to tell you guys," Hoseok started. Jungkook squeezed Jimin's hand in assurance as his body tensed beside him.

Hoseok bid Taehyung and Jimin to speak. Taehyung took a deep breath and then said, "Jimin and I broke up."

The comment section exploded. From where they sat, Jimin and Jungkook couldn't read the comments but from the expressions of other members Jungkook gathered enough to know they weren't pleasant.

No one had planned how they would end the live after delivering such news. Taehyung in an attempt to save the situation spoke up. "I know it's very sudden, but I hope ARMY understand our decision to not continue our relationship."

It was Seokjin who spoke next. "Anyways, please look forward to our new album. We hope you all like it. Saranghe, ARMY." With that the Vlive ended.

They all stayed up till late that night, reading ARMY's comments. Jungkook tried his best to keep Jimin from reading them, but eventually he would find out and he would have to deal with it.

There were many malicious comments, saying, that they had known it would never work out, that the whole relationship had been fake, that it was their fault that they liked men, that BTS should be ashamed for ever having gay people among them.

Then there were other comments, the good ones that fought for their rights when BTS themselves couldn't. They said against the malicious ones that it was okay if they broke up, that not all relationships end in a happily ever after, that they should respect their decision, that they weren't wrong in being gay, that there was nothing wrong with anyone.

Those were Jungkook's favourite and those were the ones he wanted Jimin to read. He knew his hyung and knew that he would be taking all of this to his heart. He wanted to help Jimin but the said boy had stayed away from Jungkook's comforting touch all day. Rather opting to sit with Seokjin as they were all stuck to their phones.

When Jungkook found Jimin long after they had returned home, he was brushing Taehyung's hair, who was asleep with his head on Jimin's lap.

Jungkook wondered what had caused this situation. The two had not even looked at each other for the past two weeks. Well, mostly Jimin had ignored Taehyung who was desperately trying to seek Jimin's forgiveness.

When Jungkook opened his mouth to speak, Jimin shushed him with a finger to his lips. "Shh," he said, his fingers still carding through Taehyung's hair. "He's sleeping."

Jimin had a small smile on his face that reflected fondness. He knew the smile was directed at Taehyung and he didn't like that fact despite telling himself it was not his place to judge.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow in question as he settled on an armchair beside the couch.

Jimin giggled a little, his eyes curving once more. He seemed to be the most happiest Jungkook had seen him since his break up. "I forgave him," he said. "I'm okay now. For real. And I also have a best friend with me," he glanced at Taehyung.

Jungkook sighed. It was good that Jimin was finally moving on, but Jungkook felt this unwanted feeling in his gut as Jimin helped a half asleep Taehyung into bed. He did not want to label the feeling, but he knew it was jealousy.

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