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"Taehyung-ah, stop," Jimin giggled in a soft voice. It was early in the morning and so most of the members were asleep. Jimin didn't want to wake them up but it seemed like Taehyung had something else on his mind.

He tickled Jimin as he tried and failed to grab the cereal box from the top shelf. Jimin fell back on Taehyung's chest giggling like a school girl.

If they hadn't been lost in each other's presence Jimin and Taehyung would have probably noticed the main door to their apartment open and a sweaty Jungkook stopping mid-step when he noticed the two.

"Hyung," he said his voice breathy and harsh. He had just returned from a run to find the two giggling. There was something bitter in Jungkook stomach that churned and threatened to come out. He felt it rise up and quickly chugged down the water from the nearest bottle he could find his hyungs untangled themselves from each other.

Jimin was red from being caught like that and Taehyung shamelessly had a smirk on his face. Jungkook didn't know what to do. He felt a variety of emotions, hate and anger overshadowing the hurt. A scowl took over his features as he looked at the two.

The atmosphere resembled one when a parent had caught their child red-handed drawing on the walls or playing with their mother's make-up.

"S-sorry, Jungkook," Jimin uttered out.

Jungkook sighed. His hyung's voice was like music to his ears. All his feeling had been wiped out by contentment. "Just be careful of your surroundings," he muttered as he left to get in the shower and wash off all the sweat.

The click of his room's door followed the sound of Taehyung laughing and a small "shut up" from Jimin.


After his shower, it had been too late for Jungkook to grab breakfast. He could feel the consequences of that decision as he danced.

They had a new choreography to practice and hadn't been able to take too many breaks. Jungkook could feel his muscles stretching and aching because of the vigorous exercise.

His body fealt way too light and if he stopped he knew his limbs would shake. It wasn't difficult to move around, it was difficult to stay steady.

They were at the chorus part and Jimin was at the centre. Jungkook eyes naturally drifted to look at his hyung in the mirror. He found Jimin smiling his eyes fixated on Taehyung's. Jimin was flirting with Taehyung in between practice.

Jungkook couldn't help but feel a constriction in his chest, making it difficult to breathe. He regretted his decision of going on a run. He knew he was pushing against his limits, but he still continued to dance until black spots started to appear in his vision and he stumbled a step.

Jungkook fell, wheezing and clutching his chest. He couldn't draw in air and could barely see. He could hear Seokjin shouting his name in worry and the other members rushing to see if he was alright.

Someone made him gulp water but it mainly flowed down his chin rather than going in his throat. He could feel the worry radiating off of everyone. He knew his oldest hyung was by his side, but all that he seemed to care about was Jimin.

And through his spotty vision, he found his hyung looking at Taehyung. If he wasn't tired enough then this had done the trick to make him give in to his body's needs and let his aching muscles rest. His vision went black and his senses ceased to work as he lost himself in the abyss.

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