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The next few weeks, Jimin and Jungkook spent practicing together. They would be the only two in the studio early in the morning, their days powered by coffee that their manager brought them. Then the rest of BTS would arrive and they would go over the choreography of all the songs they would be performing in their Japan concert.

After lunch everyone would split to continue with the rest of their schedule. It may be vocal practice, or dance again, or Japenese lessons online. If nothing they'd be found practicing their songs in Japanese.

It was a Thursday when things finally seemed to fall in place. They were to fly to Japan the next day and perform over the weekend. They were all relaxed since the had all their songs done along with the dance. They had only been carrying out basic rehearsals and had a meeting concerning the concert and nothing more.

And when all the members had been relaxing, Jimin had still been practicing, saying that he still needed to perfect something when his dance was already more than perfect.

"Jungkook," Taehyung came up to him. "Say something to Jimin. He wouldn't listen to us."

Jungkook looked over at his favourite hyung. He was tired but still wouldn't give up on practicing. At this rate, he might end up with muscle cramps.

Jungkook walked over to Jimin, asking him to perform for him once so that he could monitor him. Jimin danced perfectly. He had the same energy in his moves that he had had during their first rehearsal. They were well balanced and graceful. But Jungkook couldn't say that, he knew what Jimin needed to hear and it wasn't appreciation.

So instead he said, "Hyung, your moves are sluggish. You need to rest, otherwise your performance on stage may be affected."

Jimin pouted, looking at Jungkook as if he had betrayed him but Jungkook merely shrugged. "It's the truth," he said, not meeting eyes with Jimin.

Friday came and they flew to Japan. Saturday came and so did their concert.

How time flew was miraculous. One moment they were just introducing themselves and the next they were singing their last song of the day and saying goodbye.

After the Sunday concert as Jungkook walked to the waiting room backstage, wiping the few tears that had shed his eyes at the thought of not performing for a while, Jimin leapt up on him from behind. If Jungkook hadn't been quick to hold Jimin's thighs around him, they would've both fallen.

"Ah, Jungkookie," Jimin said in his ears which made Jungkook blush. "Carry me, please. I'm too tired."

And so Jungkook did, with a blush staining his cheeks and Jimin latched onto him like a cute koala, a camera following the two around.


They were back at the dorm, a week later and Jungkook and Taehyung were playing video games together when Jimin showed up. Lately, Jungkook had been avoiding Jimin or so it felt like. Jimin wasn't sure since Jungkook wasn't completely avoiding him but he most definitely did shy away when Jimin tried to touch him.

So it was the perfect opportunity when he found Jungkook focused on the game he was playing with Taehyung and immediately latched onto him, wrapping his hands around Jungkook's waist and resting his head on the younger's shoulder.

Jungkook was sure that his heart stopped when Jimin hugged him. He basically lost all control over the game he was winning, his concentration gone as he tried not to thing too much of Jimin's arms around him.

Taehyung's yell of victory was the only indication that Jungkook lost. He was so distracted that he didn't even notice.

"Aww, Kookie, you lost," Jimin murmured in his ear which send a shiver down Jungkook's spine.

No one heard Taehyung when he silently left the two with a lame excuse. The controller dropped out of Jungkook's hands as he took Jimin's chubby ones in his, removing them from  his waist and scooting as far away as possible.

Jimin's hands were clenched on his lap, his head ducked. "Am I too clingy for you, Kookie?" he asked sadly.

"Hyung, it's not that."

"Then what is it?" Jimin seemed angry now and he quickly wiped at his eyes to clear the lone tear that had dropped but Jungkook saw it all.

"Hyung, if you keep touching me, I wont be able to control myself."

When Jimin looked up, Jungkook wasn't looking at him. "What do you mean?"

"Remember two years  ago when I said I like you?" Jungkook turned to him. "I still do."

Jimin was unable to control himself. His hand cupped Jungkook's cheek and he softly pecked his lips. And then they were kissing. Jungkook pushed Jimin down on the couch, his hands roaming all over the older's body. He had waited two whole years for this. Jimin kissed him back passionately, making Jungkook throw away all caution as he asked for entry into Jimin's mouth.

They spend that night and the next ones to come together, in Jimin's bed, giggling and cuddling each other to sleep.

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