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Jimin seemed okay as they got ready to get to the studio. He was fine at the dorm, smiling once again, even in the car. But the studio presented a completely different picture.

Taehyung was there and the moment Jimin saw him his smile immediately dropped. Jungkook didn't miss the slight shake to Jimin's hands either.

"Jiminie..." Taehyung said in a pained voice. Jungkook hated him for it. The fact that he could effect Jimin so much yet not change even by a bit.

Jungkook stifled the urge to be by Jimin's side. He had trained his body and brain to stay away from Jimin, since he was dating Taehyung but since the two had broken up he barely seemed to be able to keep his hands to himself.

"I don't want to talk to you," Jimin whispered in the silent studio and his voice echoed, amplifying the sound.

Jungkook felt proud as Jimin stood up for himself. Taehyung opened his mouth to speak but before he could, Hoseok spoke up slicing through the tension in the air.

"Let's start practicing!" He said, clapping his hands together. Jungkook could tell his enthusiasm was forced, but in a situation like this there was only so much a person could do.

When practice ended, Jimin was the first one to leave the room. Jungkook resisted the urge to chase behind him. He glared at Taehyung as they packed their things up, getting ready to leave.

"Taehyung-ah," Namjoon spoke up. "If you don't mind me asking, could clear things up a bit?"

Taehyung sighed and then slumped down on the floor, patting the area beside him, indicating for the others to sit down as well.

He drew in a long breath and then started. "Do you remember how Jimin and I started dating? We were just best friends and it was all fake once upon a time. Then he developed real feelings and we started dating for real. It wasn't until now when Jimin said he loved me --" that was like a blow to Jungkook's stomach and he inhaled sharply -- "that I realized my true feelings. I never really like him more than a friend. Maybe for a while I did but those feelings disappeared soon enough, that is, if they ever existed."

Taehyung buried his face in his hands before continuing. "I know I'm sounding like a jerk, and I'm sorry for being so slow, I really am. I told Jimin as much last night and --" Taehyung sniffled.

When he finally looked up, wiping at his eyes, they all saw how genuinely sad he was. He hadn't meant to hurt Jimin but he hadn't been able to avoid it either. Jungkook knew he should be angry but for some reason he understood what Taehyung was saying.

As he stared more into his eyes, his heart became willing to forgive his best friend. He knew things would be awkward with the group for a long while, but they would ease out after some time passed. They would get over this like they had with every other obstacle thrown their way.

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