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Jungkook fell asleep in Seokjin's shoulder on the ride home. He hadn't been able to sleep properly after hearing Yoongi's words.

Seokjin had been complaining of body ache since he woke up because of the position he slept in but let Jungkook rest his head on his shoulder despite that going so far as to even pull his baby brother closer to make him more comfortable.

He had also been the one to wake the maknae up and help him walk in his drowsy state to their dorm.

Jungkook now sat tired after a vigorous dance practice. They were taking more breaks than usual, but no one complained.

The youngest of the seven was panting hard, too much sweat making his shirt stick to him. He had his head bowed and his back hunched leaning against wall of the room. Jimin was about to pass him a bottle of water but Hoseok beat him to it.

Jimin had been meaning to talk to Jungkook for a while since he came back. He wanted to know what his sleep talk had been all about and why Jimin was the one involved in it. But Taehyung lately seemed way too clingy and didn't leave Jimin alone enough for him to do so.

It wasn't until they were back at the dorm in the evening and Tae was cleaning their dinner dishes with Yoongi, that Jimin got free time.

Jungkook was putting in their dirty clothing to wash when Jimin found him.

"Jungkook I need to talk to you," he spoke.

Jungkook simply nodded and the two of them entered into the younger's room which was the closest. They sat on the bed and Jimin let out his worry.

Jungkook visibly gulped and started fidgeting with the bed covers for a while before he spoke up.

"Hyung..." he said in a voice barely more than a whisper. He gulped once more. He couldn't find it in him to look at his hyung.

Jungkook's eyes couldn't stay on one thing. They kept on wandering everywhere but Jimin. He finally took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he took Jimin's hands in his and stared straight into the lens covered pupil of hyung.

"I like you," he gushed out in a single breath. He felt his cheeks redden and felt Jimin tense through the little contact they had.

Jimin opened his mouth to speak but Jungkook cut him off. "I know you are fake dating Taehyung hyung for ARMY and I know that you don't see me more than you dongsaeng. But hyung could you please give me a shot?"

Jungkook looked so vulnerable as he spoke that Jimin couldn't help but feel bad for the guy. "Jungkook..." he started but the maknae again cut him off.

"You don't have to answer now. Take your time hyung." He squeezed Jimin's hands and Jimin felt his heart ache at what he was about to do.

He withdrew his hands from Jungkook's and cupped the younger's cheek as he started to explain. "I'm not fake dating Tae, Jungkook. We really do like each other."

It was not Jungkook turn to be surprised. He could not believe his ears. Jimin's hand slipped from his cheek as Jungkook's head bowed.

Jimin could feel his heart squeeze as Jungkook looked up with moist eyes. He was trying to be strong but Jimin knew he had hurt Jungkook.

"It's okay, Jiminie," he said forcing on a smile. Jimin didn't reprimand Jungkook for not using honorifics. He had already hurt Jungkook enough.

"I'm sorry Jungkook," Jimin said as he got up tears threatening his own eyes.

Jimin closed the door softly behind him. He was having difficulty keeping his tears in. As he looked away from the door wiping off the tears that had escaped he noticed the boy in front of him.

"T--Taehyung?" Jimin stuttered and then quickly wrapped his arms around his boyfriend as the flood gates to his eyes opened.

Taehyung soothed Jimin as he cried on his chest. He wished someone was there in Jungkook room to soothe his as well. He had heard most of the conversation and felt sorry for their maknae. But Jiminie was his. And that fact fact could not be changed.

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