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Jungkook awoke to the distant voice of Seokjin singing in the kitchen while making food. It was a rarity for Seokjin to be the one cooking. Usually because of their busy schedule they would eat from a nearby restaurant and rarely had the time and energy to cook for themselves.

"Hyung," he said softly as he made his way to the kitchen. He didn't remember much of prior events but he knew he had developed a fever.

Seokjin whirled around, smiling brightly when he saw Jungkook. He was immediately hugging the younger boy, asking him how he was and fussing over his health.

"You should take better care of yourself," he said, before pushing Jungkook into the living room as his food started to burn.

Jungkook was still a little light-headed from the fever and he quickly made a U-turn as he saw who sat on the couch. Jimin and Taehyung were cuddling there, watching TV. Jungkook remembered his rejection and quickly made his way out of the room to find Hoseok loudly trying to clean his room.

"Hyung," he asked. "Can I help?"

"Ah, Jungkookie! How are you feeling?" Hoseok threw his arm around Jungkook's neck and checked for his temperature.

Jungkook smiled a little at the caring gesture. "I'm fine, hyung."

He was about to ask again if Hoseok needed help but the doorbell rang and Hoseok started dragging him out to the living room.

Yoongi, who had been holed up in the studio and only just came out for food, opened the door for Namjoon.

"I brought all the snacks you guys requested for," Namjoon announced as he set down the bags he had been carrying. "I brought some for you too, Jungkook," he added as said boy started ruffling through the bags to find something of his interest.

"What are we celebrating for?" He asked. They never bought so many snacks in one go, there must be something going on.

Hoseok chuckled as he patted Jungkook's head. "We aren't celebrating. We have been given a break so most of us decided to go meet our parents."

"A break?" Jungkook asked astonished. They hadn't been on a break for a long, long time, and he missed his parents. "How long?"

"Three weeks," Seokjin answered as he set the table for dinner. "Dinner's ready," he then called out.

Jungkook had taken the first train to Busan not three days after that. Jimin didn't accompany him saying he would meet his parents later.

Jungkook was a bit disappointed at that but all of it vanished when he saw his mother waiting for him at the station.

He spend his weeks with his parents and brother in harmony. It was good to be on vacation to just spend time with his family. It felt good, heartwarming.

He was on the couch watching TV at his home waiting for his mother to finish washing the dishes so they could go to sleep together. He was so engrossed in the show he was watching that he didn't realise his mother was in the room until she sat on the couch, patting her lap.

Jungkook sighed as her fingers carded through his hair, his head in her lap. He closed his eyes, breathing in the comfort of his home.

"What is it, son?" His mother asked. "You seem to be worried about something."

Jungkook was shocked at how perceptive his mother was. He had been quite successful in not thinking about Jimin but the older guy somehow always made his way into his thoughts at least ten times a day.

"Nothing, eomma," he said. He did not want to trouble his mother with his stupid problems. There was no point to it.

"You know you can tell me anything, right? I'm your mother after all."

Jungkook thought for a moment then spoke, "There is this person that I like but they are dating someone else. I am close to them so I see the two all the time and, eomma," his voice cracked at the end and Jungkook cleared his throat before continuing. "Eomma, it breaks my heart seeing the two together."

Jungkook had tried to be as discreet as possible but for some reason he had a feeling that his mother already knew who he was talking about.

She laid a kiss on his temple, then said rubbing his arm, "Everything will turn out okay, son. If it is written in the stars, it will happen."

Jungkook wished it were so.

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