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It was the middle of the night, and Jungkook lay sprawled on the couch in their living room, headphones playing a soft tune in his ears, a sketch book in hand as he drew.

It had been two years since he had confessed to Jimin. Two years in which he had learned to bury his feelings. His drawing had gotten better as well. Back then it was just random doodling, but now he really like to draw when he had the time. It had become his favourite hobby.

Jungkook was about to get up and go to sleep when he heard it. There were shouts coming from Jimin's and Taehyung's room. Shouts that sounded a lot like Jimin yelling. Jungkook's suspicion turned right when a crying Jimin banged the door shut to his room.

Jungkook was frozen in his place. He did not if Jimin had seen him or not but the said boy rushed to the couch, his hands covering his face as he sobbed into them.

Jungkook had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep his anger at Taehyung in check as he silently slid his arm around Jimin's shoulder. The older leaned into the younger and was then hugging him, sobbing onto the younger's shoulder.

They stayed like that for a long, long time. It wasn't until Jimin's breathing became even that Jungkook decided to move. His hyung had fallen asleep on his chest and he slowly picked him, taking him to his bed rather than Jimin's. Jungkook was sure Jimin wouldn't want to wake up to see the reason he was crying first thing in the morning.

Yoongi was already asleep in their room, and Jungkook tried his best to be silent as he placed Jimin on his bed and covered his tiny form with a blanket.

He then grabbed a pillow and another blanket for himself and made his way back to the couch to sleep.


Jimin sat in front of him, eating cereal. His eyes were downcast and Jungkook understood that whatever had happened with Taehyung was something serious.

The culprit of Jimin's current state was nowhere in sight. He was most definitely not in his room, not picking his phone or answering his texts. That didn't bother Jungkook as much as Jimin's puffy eyes did.

When he slid his cereal bowl away, muttering that he was done, Jungkook decided to speak. "What's wrong, hyung?" He asked.

All five pairs of eyes in the room turned to him. They had all been holding their breaths since they saw Jimin, wondering who would ask the question.

Jimin opened his mouth to speak and then closed it. He intertwined his fingers in front of him, and sat there staring at them as if contemplating something.

Then, "Taehyung and I broke up."

The air in the room turned cold and heavy, weighing down on them all. The topic of the bangtan couple separating had been pondered upon by them all, but no one had thought it would come this quick.

Within the two years that Jimin and Taehyung had been dating, BTS had made quite the success. Their popularity was owed to the couple as much as it was to their hard work.

Jungkook felt something churn violently in his stomach. The couple breaking up should make him happy, that he finally has a chance to be with Jimin. But now that it had actually happened he feels more angry and sad than elated.

Angry at Taehyung for making his hyung upset and sad because he hated seeing Jimin like this.

The silence in the room was broken by a sniffle and Jungkook noticed belatedly that tears streaked down Jimin's cheeks.

Jimin wiped at them angrily and Jungkook quickly moved to his side before the other members could react.

"I'm-- I'm sorry I shouldn't be crying," Jimin said sniffling once again.

The other members broke into a chorus of sympathetic words, that did loads to make Jimin smile. By the end of breakfast, Jimin was once again smiling thanks to them, his tears long forgotten. Jungkook remained by his side the whole time, rubbing his back or just keeping his arm protectively around his shoulder.

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