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Jimin tossed and turned in his bed. After yesterday's events he found it difficult to sleep. He couldn't help but ponder if  he liked Jungkook. Sure the maknae was cute and funny. If he wanted he could look sexy and hot as well on stage as Jimin had seen before. But liking Jungkook as more than a friend was a whole another level. For some reason Jimin couldn't get yesterday's events out of his head.

They had a fan meeting yesterday and everything was going smoothly. They were all having fun along with the fans. No one said anything about Jimin and Taehyung's break up and Jimin was grateful for that.

After the initial Vlive in which they announced their break up, they had done another, just Taehyung and Jimin, asking the fans to respect their decision and they had taken it seriously. It felt like that break up and all those hate comments never took place and Jimin was grateful for that.

Jungkook sat on his left and when the fan in front of him moved forward and no one showed up, Jimin looked to his direction to know the cause of the hold up.

The fan in front of Jungkook was leaning in way too much as they talked. Jungkook was smiling, seemingly oblivious to her obvious flirting and the way she was looking at him. She said something and that made Jungkook laugh. It was a full laugh, one that Jimin had recorded in his brain to listen to when he was sad.

Something made his gut coil and his fists to clench. He knew he was glaring at the fan when she came in front of him, he knew his mood wasn't any better when the next fan came up or the next. He simply couldn't ignore the feeling in his gut, the feeling he knew to be jealousy.

Jungkook had never smiled at him like that or laughed at what Jimin had said like that. He barely even touched Jimin and it hurt so, so much. Jungkook always seemed to shy away from him, always distant and closed off but at the same time caring and always there for him. It frustrated Jimin beyond belief how one boy could cause so much chaos in his life.

It wasn't until they were leaving the fan meeting that his mood changed. All the members had left the stage and Jimin was the last one to leave as he was bidding goodbye to the fans. When he walked in backstage, he expected no one to be there as he had been pretty late. Surprisingly, Jungkook was there waiting for him to be done.

"Where are the others?" Jimin asked.

"Probably eating by now. I wanted to wait for you."

Jimin's heart filled with some indefinable emotional. He wanted to hug Jungkook so bad, but he refrained. A small smile made his way up his lips and his heart felt like it would burst. And that was when he thought it for the first time. That he might like Jeon Jeongguk.

Jimin remembered that now as he once again turned in bed and groaned into his pillow. He couldn't sleep. He made his way to the kitchen to get some water but on the way there he saw Jungkook on the couch, his back to him, earphones plugged in and changed his course of action.

He sneaked behind Jungkook, tip-toeing his way there and hit his back yelling a loud "Boo" in his ears. Jungkook yelled out loudly, his eyes wide, his expression wild as he turned to a laughing Jimin.

Jimin was laughing so hard, he fell over and Jungkook had to lift him and place him back on the couch.

"Hyung, what are you doing so late at night?" Jungkook asked once Jimin had stopped laughing.

"I should be the one asking that," Jimin replied.

"I was sketching." Jungkook consciously closed the sketch book and tried to hide it but Jimin held onto his wrist and took it away from him, starting to leaf through the pages.

They was just still life at the start. Sketches of random objects, but as Jimin went in deeper he found sketches of the BTS members and one with all of them. He reached the very last sketch and a gasp escaped his lips as he saw what it was. Rather, who it was.

It was a sketch of Jimin himself, drawn so precisely, as if every detailed mattered as if one mistake and the sketch won't be beautiful anymore. Jimin could see the hard work put in it, he could feel it in every line on the paper.

"Jungkook," he said. "This is beautiful."

When Jimin looked at Jungkook he had a slight pink tinge to his cheeks and wasn't looking at him.

"I wanted to surprise you. On your birthday. But I guess it's okay," he shrugged.

Jimin couldn't take it anymore. He hugged Jungkook, and then instantly regretted it as butterflies awoke in his stomach when he felt Jungkook's hands on his back and his chin on his shoulder.

Jimin most definitely liked Jungkook. There was no denying it.

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