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They were all drunk beyond belief by the time they crashed into their dorm. They had been filming a Run episode and by the end of it they were eating dinner. After the cameras stopped rolling and the drinks came out, they were well beyond tired to not care how much they drank.

Thankfully, their manager had dropped them off at their dorm and most of them had gone off to sleep after washing. Only Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok were left behind in the living room and even they were making their way to sleep.

As Jimin stumbled across the floor he could hear Jungkook and Hoseok in the background. The older was bullying the younger who ended up running to Jimin and hugging him from the back. When Hoseok asked what he was doing, Jungkook replied simply, "Because hyung smells nice."

Later Jimin and Jungkook would both blame it on the alcohol that they ended up walking next to each other on Jimin's bed. But for now they stumbled somewhere in a delirious state.

Jimin awoke to his head hurting and a warm feeling. He snuggled into his pillow and deeper into his bed to get the warmth he was craving. The pillow felt so soft and sturdy at the same time. Jimin could almost sniff soju on the pillow but brushed it off as his imagination because below that soju, he could smell Jungkook's cologne.

Jimin was on the verge of falling asleep once again when he heard it. A soft whisper that said his name as if it were a melody. But then Jimin recognized that voice as Jungkook's and registered the rest of his sentence.

"Jimin hyung," he had whispered. "I can't breathe."

Jimin quickly let go of Jungkook whom he had thought of as a pillow and rolled to the farthest corner of his bed. He could feel his cheeks burning and quickly ducked his head to hide it.

"I'll be going now," Jungkook said as he got out of Jimin's bed.

"Y--yeah," Jimin stuttered after him.


Jungkook's heart was pounding hard against his chest, his face burning with what had just happened. He had slept in Jimin's bed, had cuddled with him the whole night.

Jungkook tried to calm down, to think that what had happened was not because Jimin had feelings for him, definitely not because of that. He tried, he really did but his mind kept going back to Jimin holding him tightly in his sleep.

Jungkook was in the kitchen looking for some snacks a while after lunch, when Namjoon announced that they had to go to work to learn a new choreography as well as get the schedule for the upcoming Japan concerts.

By the time they were done practicing it was way past midnight and everyone was tired, waiting to go home and catch onto some sleep since they had a busy schedule the next day as well. Jungkook was almost out of the door of the studio when he noticed that Jimin wasn't following.

There was sweat covering all his  body, his t-shirt sticking to him as he continued to practice his moves. Jungkook hesitated for a second at they way Jimin was looking then spoke, "Hyung, it's past midnight. Are you still going to practice?"

Jimin didn't look at him as he replied, "I'll be here a while. Don't worry I'll come home before you can sleep." He smiled at Jungkook then and the younger realised how tired Jimin truly was. His movements were sluggish and his breathing was too fast and shallow for it to be normal.

He went over, grabbing Jimin's shoulder, stopping him mid-step. "Hyung, you need to sleep. You wont be able to dance properly if you're tired."

"But, Jungkook, I need to perfect this part. Don't worry, I won't take long."

It was past midnight and Jungkook was sleepy and tired from all the practice, he was short on patience and getting seriously annoyed at Jimin for wanting to practice more when he was clearly tired.

"Hyung," Jungkook insisted once again. "How about you practice tomorrow? I'll practice with you," he added for extra emphasis.

"You'll do that?"

"Yeah I need to practice as well. To get the choreography right."

"Tomorrow morning?"

"Sure," Jungkook shrugged.



Jimin fell asleep on Jungkook's shoulder on the ride home.

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