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Weeks and then months passed with Jimin not uttering a word about anything to anyone. He acted all normal, or at least tried to but his quietness was noticed by all of them.

It seemed all was fine fine on the outside. He was smiling, laughing, talking but it was all forced. Hoseok, his new roommate, knew all to well of how much he cried in his showers.

The hate comments had died down a little but they still continued. There were good comments as well, the ones fighting against the antis, but Jimin somehow only managed to see the bad ones.

Jungkook noticed how sometimes his hands shook as he swept it through his hair. He also noticed how he wasn't eating enough and how he had lost his cute cheeks.

"Jimin hyung," he called out now as the said boy made his way from the front door to his room. He had sweat running down his neck, making his shirt stick to him and Jungkook had to swallow twice before speaking again.

"Come eat with us," he said.

Jimin stopped in his tracks and turned to face them all who were eating dinner.

"Jimin-ah," Taehyung whined. "You hadn't had dinner with us all week. Please come eat with us."

"I--I...uh... I'm sorry, I already ate." Jimin smiled apologetically.

"Didn't you just return from the gym?" Yoongi pointed out.

Jimin seemed to have frozen for a second, but he seemed to have recovered soon enough as he said, "I ate on my way here. I'm going to go shower now."

"He hasn't eaten all week, has he?" Seokjin asked, his brows creased as he ate.

"He hasn't," Hoseok sighed.

A performance on an award show was coming up and they had all been practicing hard for it. They were performing their most intense choreography altered to make it even better. It was taking a physical toll on everyone, but they knew their hard work would pay off since their fans would love it.

A month went into practicing for the performance, until they could stand for longer than ten minutes after the exhausting dance without fainting.

And then came the most awaited performance in the history of BTS. The dance line -- Hoseok, Jungkook and Jimin were opening the dance with special solo performance that then merged into a unit dance with the other members and they went in to perform seven whole songs continuously.

The lights went out and thanks to their training they still had enough stamina to walk backstage and grab some water.

Jungkook was walking towards the general direction of the door leading there when he heard someone call his name in a faint voice. As he turned to find out who it was, a body fell on him.

With shock evident on his face concealed in the dark, Jungkook realised that Jimin had fainted.

The rest of the events were a blur of movement as Jungkook called for help and they rushed Jimin for first aid. The members were not allowed to stay when Jimin was taken care of. They were sent back to attend the show.

Jungkook couldn't help the burning in his eyes as he sat on the cushioned chair. He couldn't cry but the worry, shock and nervousness were all to overwhelming and he ended up wetting Taehyung's shoulder with his tears.

In the middle of the show, a staff member came over to inform them that Jimin had been taken to a hospital after he had received necessary first aid and had gained consciousness.

From the way the man spoke, they all understood that things weren't looking up for Jimin. But they were in the middle of an award show and so they put their best mask on and made it through, Jimin's fainting a constant throb in their minds.

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