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Yoongi entered his room in the dead in night after spending hours in the studio to find a shivering Jungkook. He quickly rushed to the maknae's side and felt heat radiating off of his body.

Yoongi quickly rushed for a bowl of cold water and a cloth, trying desperately to bring down Jungkook's fever as he silently shivered and sobbed. Yoongi couldn't comprehend what was happening. He didn't understand what had caused this.

Jungkook had been fine the whole day. Sure he had fainted the day before but that had been from exhaustion right? What had caused this fever? And what was happening to their maknae?


Jungkook felt something cold on his forehead. He didn't like it. He heard a voice call out his name. It wasn't Jiminie's. A whimper left his throat and he went back to the numb state he was in prior to this again.


There was something warm close to his lips. Jungkook felt someone trying to feed him. He knew it was one of his hyungs. He didn't open his eyes to find out who it was. He missed his eomma. He wanted her to be the one looking after him. He wanted to be in her warm embrace. He hadn't seen her for than a few days in years. Jungkook wanted to go back. He did not want to be where he was today. He only wanted his eomma and appa.


Seokjin was shocked on hearing the words that left Jungkook's mouth.

"Eomma," he had muttered at first. Then, "Hyung, I want to go home. I don't want to stay here."

Seokjin would've thought that Jungkook was simply homesick and missing his parents but he knew it was more than that when he saw the broken look on Jungkook's face. He couldn't bear to look at his baby brother like that. He had to find the reason that had caused this. Seokjin had a feeling it wasn't going to be pleasant.

After looking after Jungkook for a while, he called for a group meeting. Everyone was present other than Jungkook and Yoongi who was asleep in his, Namjoon's and Hoseok's room, tired after taking care of Jungkook all night.

"Jungkook isn't just sick," Seokjin declared as everyone settled themselves on the couch. "He's broken," Seokjin's voice cracked at the end.

He sniffled and took a deep breath before continuing, "And I want to know the reason why."

Just as he predicted, it had something to do with the members. One member in particular who gave in under Seokjin's determined stare.

"Hyung..." Jimin started.

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