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Jimin had been admitted to the closest hospital from the venue of the award show. He had an IV supplying glucose connected to him and nothing else.

When the other BTS members along with their manager arrived to visit him, the first thing that Jimin noticed was Jungkook's red nose and Taehyung's hand around Jungkook's shoulders.

He felt a pang of jealousy in his stomach and he wasn't sure if it was because of Taehyung or Jungkook. He had fainted due to excessive exertion and starvation.

After the hate comments started flooding his posts, Jimin had lost all appetite. He mostly spend time practicing to at least feel a little hungry but all the food he had ended up clawing it's way up his throat, so he had started to eat as little as possible.

He had barely made it through their performance at the award show and even then his moves hadn't been as graceful as he would've liked them.

He had felt tired and he was absolutely sure that his dance had seemed sloppy and clumsy. He hated the fact that he had let their fans down even more.

It was because of him that the group was going through such a hard time. If only he had spoken a few words about how much their break up had really affected him, things wouldn't be as bad as they were right now. He regretted almost everything he did.

"Jiminie?" Taehyung said, his hand still around Jungkook's shoulders. "How are you feeling?"

There was a soft sniffle and when Jimin looked at Jungkook he found the boy looking away. This close he could see his red eyes and it confirmed his suspicion.

"I'm fine. Thank you for coming, even though you must be tired."

"How can you say that," Seokjin said offended. "Do you know how much we were worried? You should've taken better care of yourself. Why did you do this? Do you know how much it hurt us?"

Jimin looked away guilt creeping its silent fingers all over him. "I'm sorry, hyung. I'm sorry to all of you for making you worry. Sorry."

Seokjin softened at that. He went over to Jimin, ruffling his hair in the way big brothers do. "Just take care of yourself, okay. We love you the way you are."

Jimin sniffled. He knew his hyungs and dongsaengs loved him. But he still couldn't not heed the hate comments. They had made him push his limits and end up where he was now. He hated himself for it, and hated the fact that he hated himself for it.

"Jimin-ssi, can we talk in private?" His manager spoke.

The other members scurried out of the room, giving Jimin a reassuring smile. Jungkook still hadn't looked at him and the thought gave his heart a pinch.

"What is it manager-nim?" Jimin asked.

"Might I ask, why did you starve and exhaust yourself to this extent?"

When Jimin didn't answer, his manager continued. "If it's because of the comments, we're releasing a statement and if they still don't stop, legal action will be taken. You don't have to worry about those, they are all wrong. Take care of yourself," he adviced.

"Thank you, manager-nim. Give PD-min my thanks as well."

Their manager left the room, delivering the same news to the members who immediately rushed into the hospital room.

Jimin wasn't being held too long. Only a day more to make sure there wasn't anything else wrong with him and then he was back at the dorm, back to goofing around with his most favourite people in the world.

Their company released the statement and a lot of the haters and antis backed off, the ones that persisted were sued. Pride filled Jimin when he read the comments on his latest post on Twitter. It was a picture of him and Hoseok posing after a photoshoot. There were a lot of positive comments now telling how much they loved BTS, how cute Jimin or Hoseok was or how someone admired BTS for their friendship.

The week since he had returned from the hospital had gone exceptionally good other than the fact that Jungkook, who had been taking care of him since the break up was determined to ignore Jimin. But Jimin wasn't getting any of that, he was going to find the reason and sort things out with his favourite dongsaeng.

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