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It was Saturday night and they were all lounging in the living room watching some random movie that Seokjin believe to be amazing. They were halfway through the movie when Jungkook got up to get more popcorn and Jimin followed.

Jungkook put a packet of it in the microwave setting it accordingly for the popcorn to cook.

"Jungkook," Jimin called out from across the island.

Jungkook replied with a hum.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

For a hesitant second, he didn't move. Then, when he did and saw Jimin's face his own fell. There was hurt clear in the older boy's eyes. Hurt, betrayal and confusion.

"Hyung..." Jungkook started. "Remember that thing I told you two years back? When I said I lik--" before Jungkook could finish his confession, the microwave started beeping indicating that the popcorn was done.

Jungkook went to take it out, forgetting how hot the packet would be and hissing in pain when it came in contact with it.

"Careful," Jimin murmured from beside him as he took a look at Jungkook's hand. Jimin seemed to be unaware of the effect he had on Jungkook. His cheeks had gone red, his heartbeat accelerating, butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

"Hey!" Taehyung yelled from the living room. "Where's the popcorn?"

"Coming!" Jungkook yelled back and Jimin was already removing the packet from the microwave and putting its content in a bowl before Jungkook had a chance to say anything.

It wasn't until the movie was over and most of them had gone to sleep that Jimin got another chance to talk to Jungkook. They had just put Hoseok to bed (he had fallen asleep on he couch) , when Jungkook made way out of the room, hurrying away, out if Jimin's sight. And just like that, Jimin's chance was gone.


A week later and when Jungkook continued to avoid Jimin, he was fed up. His frustration seemed to be very clear because when he was pouring himself some juice, Taehyung came over and asked if he was okay.

Jimin replied with a shake of his head. He swept a hand through his hair and then said, "Do you think I did something wrong? Jungkook has been avoiding me since I came back from the hospital."

There was a change in Taehyung's demeanor, as if he was hiding something. He led Jimin to his room, placing him on his bed and then settling beside him.

"Jimin..." Taehyung started. "When you fainted, you fell on Jungkookie. To say the least he was traumatized."

"Why would he be traumatized?"

Taehyung took in a deep breath. "If we were still dating, and I was the one who had fainted, how would you have felt?"

"I would be..." Jimin hesitated. "I would be traumatized, if that were to happen."

Jimin looked up confused. "Where are you getting at?"

"Don't you remember his confession two years ago?'

"Two years ago," Jimin murmured under his breath, his brows furrowed as he tried to remember. When it his him, his head sunk into his hands.

"Oh, I'm so stupid!" He exclaimed. Then drawing in a deep breath and squaring his sunken shoulders, he said, "I need to talk to him. I need to sort things out."

Taehyung held his shoulders. "Talk to him tomorrow. I'm sure he's dying to sort things out."

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