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They had all returned from their trips with five days to spare. Well, all but Jimin and Taehyung. As per Namjoon those two had gone to Jeju Island after spending a week with their parents and were scheduled to return two days before their break ended.

It was a bit empty in the dorm for Jungkook without his two close friends. Even if it hurt to see them together, he still missed their presence.

He was doodling on a blank page when the bell rang and the couple entered the apartment.

Taehyung had his arm wrapped around Jimin's waist and Jimin was basically falling all over his boyfriend. Jungkook immediately got up from the couch and went to the kitchen to get the two water.

He gulped around the lump in his throat and ignored the churning of his gut. He hated to see them all lovey-dovey but that didn't mean he wasn't happy that they had returned.

The two settled on the couch, their luggage in their room. The rest of the members gathered in the living room and when all were present Jimin said, "We bought souvenirs for everyone!"

After the vacation he seemed super happy and excited. There was a pink tinge to his cheeks and an emotion in his eyes that Jungkook didn't want to identify.

Taehyung got up and went to their room. When he came back, he had five bags in his hands. He gave one to each member. In it was a dollharubang figure, a key chain, and the orange juice only found in Jeju.

"We wanted to bring oranges from there as well," Jimin started sheepishly.

"But we forgot," Taehyung complete.

"That's okay," Namjoon said patting his shoulder. Hoseok was literally squealing over the figure he had gotten.

Jungkook just stared. He stared when during lunch Taehyung whispered something in Jimin's ear and the latter went beat red. He stared when the two cuddled next to each other on the couch.

He stared when training started once again, and the two wouldn't leave each other's side. He looked away when he saw the love in their eyes.

He decided then, that he would give up, that there was no point in this unrequited love. That he needed to move on no matter how difficult that was.

So he would.

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