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Jungkook lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Jimin being the professional he was, didn't let the break up affect their practice. Their group till sounded the same and still danced the same. But when it came to interaction there was always tension in the air.

Jimin and Taehyung both had shadows under their eyes. Hoseok had moved in with Jimin hoping that his mood would escalate by being around the sunshine of their group.

It didn't cause much difference, Jungkook knew, because even if he behaved like he was over it, Jungkook had seen him.

He remembered the night he had gone out to drink water and found Jimin going through his and Taehyung's photos on his phone, shrunk into the corner of the couch, his cheeks tear stained.

It had broken Jungkook's heart to see him like that.

"Hyung," Jungkook now asked Yoongi, who lay on the other bed in the room. "Do you think Jimin hyung will be okay?" His voice was barely above a whisper. An irrelevant fear lodging itself in his throat that if he spoke any louder, things won't go back to the way they were supposed to.

Yoongi didn't say anything immediately. Then, "It will take time, but he'll come through."

Jungkook was about to fall asleep when he heard Yoongi speak once again. "Jungkook, take care of Jimin. He'll need all the support he can get."

Just as Yoongi had said, Jungkook never left Jimin's side for the whole week. Jimin was healing, but slowly.

Their comeback was coming close and with it would come a lot of responsibilities. The most dreaded part though, was not the comeback. They had been through enough performances now, to not feel that nervous. The dreaded part was telling their fans that bangtan's couple had broken up.

They didn't know what their fans' reaction would be, and it scared them all, even if they did not admit it. They had talked to their manager and he had told them to go on Vlive after their comeback to break the news.

The fans' reaction was one thing but what bothered Jungkook even more was how would Jimin cope if things didn't go well.

They were all sitting around the dinning table, a day before their comeback. The tension between Jimin and Taehyung had ceased a little, but they still wouldn't talk.

They weren't allowed to practice today since they had been doing that too much. In their manager's words, they were to rest today "for a better performance tomorrow".

Jungkook believe their manager, he really did but what they needed wasn't rest, they needed some bonding time.

As if reading his thoughts, Seokjin spoke up, "How about we play a game? It's been so long since we did that."

They ended up playing Uno, sitting on the carpeted floor of their apartment.
Jungkook sat on Jimin's right so his turn came before the older's. When Yoongi threw the reverse card, Jungkook sneaked a peak at Jimin's cards. He had been picking from the deck for quite a while now.

All of Jimin's cards were blue in colour. Jungkook had thought of using the wild card he had for changing the colour to yellow but he decided against it.

When his turn came, he threw the wild card and with it the only blue card he possessed. Jimin let out an audible squeal, and after a long time Jungkook saw his eye smile.

By the end of the third round, Jimin had won twice and Jungkook had for all the games, been dead last.

After that they all watched a movie, during which most of the members fell asleep. Jungkook and Yoongi were the only ones awake and the two transported the other members in their respective rooms.

Anxiety and nervousness finally caught up with Jungkook, after the amazing day, as he lay in his bed waiting for sleep to arrive.

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