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Seokjin paced worriedly in the hospital room, made smaller by the five other people occupying it. Their manager was talking to the doctor and the members of BTS waited for Jungkook to wake up.

"Sit down hyung," Yoongi spoke. "You're giving me a headache."

Seokjin thumped loudly on the couch. Jungkook was asleep with an IV attached to him. What worried Seokjin was the fact that Jungkook hadn't woken up since the last few hours they had been here. He couldn't be that tired, right?

The door opened and their manager came in. He told them what the doctor had told him. Jungkook would be fine. He had fainted from exhaustion and too much physical strain.

The members were a bit relieved on hearing that but they still worried for their maknae. They were all on the verge of falling asleep when Jungkook showed some sign of being alive.

His brows were scrunched up, his fingers fisting in the bedsheets. His head tilted to the side as a small voice escaped his lips and said, "...why...Jimin..."

And then he was peaceful again, his fingers relaxed and Jungkook was asleep once more leaving the room in an awkward silence.


Seokjin was asleep on one side of Jungkook's bed and Jimin on the other. Jungkook blinked against the bright white lights and noticed that his roommate was nowhere in the room.

That information though did not hold much interest for Jungkook. His right hand immediately went to Jimin's head, to play with his bleached hair.

He was staring at his hyung when Yoongi entered the room with two white cups which Jungkook assumed to be coffee.

Jungkook pretended to be asleep trying to avoid the interrogation he knew was to follow.

He could feel his hyung's stare on him as he slumped on the couch in the room. He heard Yoongi drink from one of the cups and could basically feel him grimace because the coffee was too hot.

"I know you are awake, Jungkook."

Jungkook sighed and opened his eyes. His fingers were tangled in Jimin's hair and he continued to fidget with it under Yoongi's questioning stare.

"Are you going to tell me what that was about?"

"What what was about?" Jungkook tried sounding innocent.

Yoongi sighed. He sipped his coffee and walked over to the only window in the room which was shaded by blinds.

"You speak in your sleep." Jungkook had to strain his ears to listen to Yoongi's words.

Jungkook's eyes widened in shock. He thought he had been dreaming. He had been dreaming, right? Did he spill out all that happened in the dream? No that couldn't have happened.

"Wh-what did I say?" Jungkook's voice was timid as he spoke.

The words that left Yoongi's mouth relieved Jungkook to an extent but worried him more. What would he explain to his hyungs?

He realised his fingers had stilled in Jimin's hair and he untangled them, throwing an arm over his eyes and going back to sleep.

"You should come clean, Jungkook-ah," he heard Yoongi say just before he fell asleep.

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