That's it?!!

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Neptune looked dumbstruck, she couldn't take her eyes of this so called Harmonia. But if there was anyone more shocked and confused there it was me, I was completely oblivious. "What, what's going on?" I asked, Harmonia looked at me and said, "I AM HARMONIA, THE GODDESS OF HARMONY AND CONCORD, AND I HAVE COME BACK TO TAKE WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY MINE, THIS PLANET!" she said, I had to cover my ears because of how loud she was. I still wasn't sure what she meant, take back this planet? I wanted to ask again but then Neptune yelled out "REALLY? YOU COME NOW? AFTER SO LONG YOU FINALLY DECIDED TO COME NOW?!". "Oh why yes Neptune, I have been asleep for so long that I have let this planet crumble by the hands of people like you, it's about time I restore peace and harmony to this planet" it started to make sense, well a little, this Harmonia lady was supposed to be some protector of earth and she had come to eradicate evil or something. "Now, Neptune, I command you to leave this planet, immediately" Harmonia demanded, "WHAT?!" a few of us chorused including Neptune, "You, you can't tell me to do that!" Neptune said, "Oh I actually can, this planet belongs to me, and well it would be a shame if I told the galaxy about this, you already destroyed half of the galaxy with your petty sister fight millenniums ago, imagine what it would sound like if word gets out that you refused orders from the ruler of a planet on that planet, hmm? The galaxy would just think you're some tyrant, think about that would do to your reputation" Harmonia said naively. Neptune scowled, after a while she finally said, "FINE! I'LL LEAVE!", "wait, for real?" I asked with a bit of excitement, "this could actually help me" I thought to myself. "OF COURSE IT'S FOR REAL, I'D RATHER LEAVE THAN TO SUFFER ANY MORE DAMAGE TO MY REPUTATION!" Neptune spat angrily, I looked back at Jullian, then Constantine and then Lance and then with all the energy inside of me I jumped and screamed at the top of my lungs "OH YEAH!" I did a victory dance and started to sing like a complete idiot, "Neptune! You couldn't get me! KISS MY ASS!" I sang as I turned around to back Neptune then smacked my butt playfully. I did every single dance move you could think of (yes, I did, try me), I was so happy at that moment that nothing else seemed to matter but unfortunately I got my bubble furiously popped by Neptune. "IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT I'M LEAVING, I'M STILL TAKING YOUR SOUL, A DEAL IS A DEAL REGARDLESS!" Neptune yelled, my heart sunk, I pleaded with Harmonia using my eyes but that didn't seem to work, a deal, is a deal.

Constantine began to laugh hysterically, "Ah, look at her, she thought she had won, little Mara, I told you that you could never win, now look at you, you have made a complete fool of yourself" he said as he cleaned back a tear from laughing so hard. My blood boiled with rage, I don't know how I moved so fast but in a second I appeared at the front of Constantine and landed a massive haymaker on his ugly face. I punched him so hard he lost a tooth, I had no idea where that strength came from, if I had been that strong ever since I probably would have given a much greater fight against Constantine. Constantine moaned in pain, he looked at me and was about to retaliate but Harmonia called out saying, "not so fast Constantine, you've done far enough damage over the years" she waved her hand and somehow Constantine was unable to move, he tried to fight it but he couldn't. "Neptune, Constantine, you will both be leave immediately!" Harmonia said, "WHAT?!" Constantine asked, "you heard me alright, your hands are stained with the blood of thousands of innocent people, people like you are not needed on this earth, say all you necessary goodbyes" Harmonia replied, Constantine was speechless, he remained silent for quite a while but then he yelled out with rage saying "YOU CANNOT DO THIS TO ME! I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS! THIS IS A COMPLETE OUTRAGE! YOU WILL NOT D-" Constantine was saying before Harmonia cut him off saying "sorry for making it seem like you had a choice". Constantine began to rant again "BUT, BUT YOU CAN'T DO THIS, YOU, I, YOU THINK I.." he was saying but then his voice cracked, I couldn't believe at first but it was real, Constantine started to cry. Gasps were heard all around us, nobody could wrap their mind around the fact that Constantine, that cold blooded murderer, blood thirsty freak was actually crying, but I was more curios why. "You, you think, I wanted to do all the things I've done? No, all I wanted was to be with my family, I, I lost them. I want to see my wife, my sons, I, I miss them" Constantine said before finally breaking down. I could feel it deep inside, I actually felt sorry for him, I wanted to kill myself, why would I feel sorry for someone like him? I couldn't even start to list all the things he had done, I still hadn't gotten over Sophie but yet I still felt sorry for him. "Please, before you do this, I wanted to ask, how is my wife? What does she look like now? My sons? My last request is to be with them before I leave this world". Harmonia frowned and said, "Your wife Claire unfortunately passed away a few years ago due to an illness, I am certain you will not want any more details of her death. But it is fine, she was of age" Constantine began to cry again, he was a complete mess, he managed to make out "How, how about my sons?", "They are, not alive anymore, your son Jeremie died from an accident at work, and Fernand passed away an illness as well " Harmonia said, Constantine's face dropped. "Will, I be with them again?" Constantine asked, "We will see" Harmonia replied, after quite a while, Constantine finally said "I am ready to go, but before I leave, I must say sorry, for all the terrible things I have done. I know words will never be enough but I am truly sorry and if it was possible, I would switch places with all the people I have caused pain" he said, he was right about one thing, I would never forgive him, at least completely, but I have to admit I was kinda overwhelmed with all the emotions. A light filled door appeared out of nowhere, Constantine knew it was time, as he marched towards the door the monster he used to be faded away and revealed who he used to be before, the handsome young man he used to be before evil engulfed him. When he was inches away from the door, I saw it, he saw it, there was an animation of his family on the other side, with smiles on their faces, he smiled and finally stepped into the door and then the door disappeared.

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