Chapter 6

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Walking inside the house the first thing which I notice that everyone is laughing and talking without in the care of the world.

Even though I am sure my entire house is filled with happy voices but for me, it is the same silence. The silence that has become my fate since that fucking accident.

Caleb looks embarrassed nonetheless happy, as Nick and Lina are teasing him while mom and dad are laughing along.

Everyone seems to be happy, except me.

A wave of anger and jealously washes over me as, since the day Lina has been hanging with Caleb and Nick, they all seem to have forgotten me. She has been coming over at our house a lot and even mom loves having her here.

I am sure she has charmed everybody with her innocent-looking smile and sweet talks.

Sometimes I feel like she has been replacing me in their lives and they are letting her. They never look this happy and carefree around me, like they used to. Maybe now my presence saddens them.

Maybe even they are being tired of me.

Clearing my throat loudly, I try to get their attention. Eventually, mom turns to me and smiles widely at me, then motions me to come over, to which I silently oblige. Lina smiles seeing me when I get near them and in return, I glare at her, which makes her smile falters.

She can fool everyone, but me. If she thinks I can't see how she is distancing me from my family, then she is wrong. Her act will not work on me.

Nick makes a space for me, between him and Caleb. Then I realize they are playing some video game.

They were playing video games without me. A pang of hurt pierces my heart as I swallow hard trying to control my emotions.

It used to be our thing.

First, it was just Nick and me then later Caleb also became a part of this when he was old enough to play.

This made me furious, but I tried not to show my feelings on my face.

Nick places his game controller in my hand, as Caleb starts a new game giving me a challenging look.

This boy always loves competing with me.

Thinking about how much Caleb enjoyed competing with me since he was a small kid, brings a soft smile on my face, diminishing my anger a little.

Mom pats my shoulder giving a look to Caleb, which clearly shows on whose team she is. Caleb, as always, frowns at this as he thinks mom loves and supports me more than him. He doesn't understand mom just teases him.

From my peripheral view I watch, Lina goes and sits beside Caleb draping an arm over his shoulder. She fist bumps with Caleb with another hand. Then she playfully glares at mom and slides her thumb across her neck in a throat-slitting motion.

This makes everyone laugh, everyone but me. Everything about her annoys me. Even now when she is supporting Caleb it irritates me.

I simply don't like her. The way she is happy every time I see her, the carefree and lively look of her.

Everything about her reminds me of my old self. The person I used to be, the person that I can never be.

I know it is low of me to hate her, but still, I feel it is unfair that she has something which I can never have. It is like she is living the life, which I used to live. And every time I watch her, my disability hits me with a great force.

After having lunch, mom insists to watch some old home videos, much to my dismay. My family thinks reminding me of my old self, will help me to get over the trauma of my accident. Like watching old videos will make me remember how I used to as if I am suffering from some sort of amnesia.

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