Chapter 35

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Hurriedly I get down the front stairs of the house when I notice Lina retreating figure, however, before I can call her she sits in a cab and leaves.

Getting back inside the house, I look for mom to ask why I haven't been informed that Lina was here.

A lot has happened in the past two days, and I didn't get a chance to talk to her. Moreover, I have planned a surprise for her so I was kind of working on that too since I don't even want to reveal anything to her even if it is by mistake I didn't contact her at all. No one knows about the surprise other than dad, and he has promised me he will keep my surprise a secret. However, this doesn't mean that I will ignore Lina if I see her anywhere.

Mom is sitting at the dining table and looking at something. When I walk closer to her I see her eyes fixed on the ring in her hand. Looking closer, my eyes slightly widen, realizing it is not just any ring it is Lina's mother's ring.

"Mom, why didn't you call me when Lina came here?" I pull out the chair beside her and sit on it shifting my body slightly to look at her.

"She was in hurry and didn't stay for long," mom answers but doesn't look away from the ring.

"This is her mother's ring." I point at the ring in her hand, "Why has she given this ring to you?"

"Because, silly girl, wanted to gift me something special which meant so much to her." Mom's eyes shine with tears while a fond smile settles on her lips, "When I refused to take it, then only she told me it's her mother's and she wants to give me as a thank you gift. Since after her mother's death she had never experienced that kind of love ever, but she felt it when she met me so she wanted to honor that feeling with something that is precious to her."

"I don't want to take it, but then I don't want to hurt her feelings." She looks at me. The dilemma is evident on her face. "She is such a sweet girl, it really breaks my heart when I see how much she misses her mother. I know I can't take her mother's place in her life, but still, I want to give her that kind of love." She wipes her tears as soon as she finishes signing.

Although Lina's gesture is really heartwarming, something doesn't sit right with me.

Why suddenly she gifted mom this?

I need to talk to her because my heart is telling me something is not right.

"Where are you going?" Mom stops me as soon as I stand up to leave.

"I need to talk to Lina," I inform her. Anxiousness bubbles inside my heart.

"Okay, then talk to her tonight at the party." She signs.

"Party?" I feel slightly shocked as I didn't know Jessica has invited her as well, "I didn't know she is invited."

"Caleb forced her to be his date." Mom rolls her eyes trying to look annoyed, "He literally got on his knees in front of her and started his rant about how he will die of boredom. The poor girl had no other option than to agree because we all know how persuasive Caleb can be when he wants."

Shaking my head, I smile because I know how persuasive that kid can get as numerous times I have become his victim. However, this time I am happy that he forced Lina to come with us because this will give me a chance to talk to her and hopefully she will forgive me, especially after the surprise which I have planned for her.

Now I just want to make sure everything goes as I have planned, because I don't want to mess up anything. After so long things are getting better in my life, now I will not let anything ruin my life again.


Slumping on the bed, I unlock my phone to talk to Lina but sigh heavily when I realize she is still phoneless. That's it, I am getting her phone tomorrow first thing in the morning because I am not sure about her but it is really frustrating me now.

My heart has this strange fear that something is going on with her and she is not telling me. I know I behaved like an ass with her, but I can't explain why I didn't like it when she was talking with that guy. I am ashamed to admit that I felt insecure. I am just her friend, and suddenly this word doesn't feel as strong as I want it to be.Does she treat every friend of hers in the same way, she treats me? Or I am someone important to her, someone, who can't be replaced in her life.I am still lost in my depressing thoughts when Caleb barges into my room, just like he owns the place and jumps on my bed, and lies beside me. Whereas now I am convincing myself not to throw him out of my room because he is the one because of who Lina is coming with us."What are you doing here?" I turn my head towards him."I just wanted to hang out with you." He looks at me."What do you want, Caleb?" I arch an eyebrow unimpressed because I know my brother a little too well."Can I borrow your black shirt which you bought last month? I want to wear it to the party." He smiles, "I think it looks better on me than you.""Wear something of your own." Turn my back to him."What the fuck, Caleb!" I yell when he jumps on me. "Get off of me, you weirdo!" I throw him on the other side of the bed and quickly sit up before he can jump on me again."If you will not give me that shirt, I will tell everyone about your plan." The corner of his lips curve in a wicked smirk, "So decide are you giving me that shirt, or should I just reveal everything to everyone?""You don't know my plan I have not told anything to anyone." I scoff because I am sure he is just bluffing."So, it means you are planning something?" He arches an eyebrow while his smirk deepens, "I was so right that there is something going on in your head since yesterday.""Caleb," I growl and run after him as he jumps off the bed realizing he tricked me. "I am going to kill you.""No, you will not." Turning his head, he wiggles his eyebrows, "You love me too much."That's true, but this doesn't mean I will leave him just like that.He punches my back as I quickly pick him up holding him upside down."I will show you what it means to mess with your elder brother." I walk towards the pool as he kicks his legs. "You are so going down, Caleb." I laugh while slightly loosening my grip on him.However, just when I completely release him, he pulls me with himself in the water. Then a moment later he jumps on my shoulders pushing me under the water.Holding his feet, I throw him backward while laughing because I know he must be screaming like crazy as mom rushes outside the house with a panicked look on her face. But when her eyes zero on us, she narrows her eyes, clearly annoyed with us. And the next thing we know one by one flying slippers come at us directly hitting us on our heads.Giving us a death glare, she walks back inside the house. While Caleb and I try our best to hold our laughter because we both know what it means to laugh in front of mom when she is being angry.However, as soon as we are sure she can't hear us we both look at each other and start laughing."I like it when you are behaving like the jerk you are." Caleb wipes his face with his hand, "I don't like your sad face, you look constipated." He chuckles.I realize he did all this to divert my mind, as he sensed that something is bothering me. He is still an idiot, but I will not trade him for the world."You can have my shirt." I smile at Caleb and ruffle his wet hair, "It will look good on you.""Oh, I already took that shirt from your closet, but still, thanks." He quickly signs and runs out of the pool nearly tripping before I can catch him as I glare at his retreating back.I swear someday I will shave off his head again for annoying me just like once I did when he was a kid because he mixed blue dye in my shampoo.


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