Chapter 39

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Victor fumes in anger as he glares at his son, who unflinchingly holds his gaze. Then without saying anything he walks out of the party soon followed by his wife and daughter who drags Chris with her.

Emmet's shoulders slump as he covers his face with his hands, after a moment he composes himself and turns to look at us.

"Thank you for looking after my sister, when her own family left her alone." He looks at me, "Every time I talked to her, she spoke so much about you and how happy she felt with you all guys. Something which she could never experience when she was living with us." He swallows and looks away.

"After what I did I don't think I can show her my face, at least not until I gain the courage to face her, but please tell her I am sorry, and if it is possible for her then ask her to please forgive me." He pinches the bridge of his nose, then looking around his eyes search for her. But when he doesn't see her he sighs dejectedly and leaves.

As soon as he leaves, I glance at Mom and Dad, who both have an angry expression on their faces, the anger which is directed towards Victor and his family. During the short time which she has spent with us, she has effortlessly made a place in everyone's heart. And knowing how she was treated all her life is something that is hurting them.

I don't even know what kind of person she is, that she never mentioned anything to anyone. Moreover, not even once she let anyone know what's going on in her own life while she was busy trying to help me with my life. She kept everyone in dark, even me. I feel hurt that she didn't think I was worthy enough to share her pain with me.

Why she never shared any of her pain with me?

I am feeling so mad at her because she kept all of this hidden from me even when she called me her friend, at the same time, I want to take away all her bad memories and pain from her heart.

I have realized I haven't seen Lina all this while, and decide to look for her. She needs me so, for now, I will be there for her, and then later I can fight with her as much as I want for not sharing anything with me.

"Where is Lina?" I ask, not anyone in particular.

"She is gone." Caleb's words make me frown in confusion.

"What do you mean she is gone?" I ask him, while my eyes switch from person to person in the hope to see her face.

"She said tonight she is leaving this town and us," He speaks while his words choke as he tries hard not to cry.

"She can't go like this." I shake my head in disbelief, "She can't leave me."

"Dad, give me your car keys." I walk to dad and extend my palm, "I have to find her."

"I will drive you." Nick steps forward.

"No, we should divide to search her as then we can quickly find her." Shaking my hand, I catch the keys when dad throws them in my direction.

"But how will you-" Nick opens his mouth, probably to tell me how can I drive, but even before he can complete his question I rush outside leaving him and everyone else in state of shock, while Dad gives me a thumbs up.

Unlocking the car door, I slip into the driving seat as my hands clutch the steering wheel tightly. Anxiousness rises inside me because this is the first time I am sitting behind the driving wheel since my accident. However, closing my eyes I take a deep breath as the thought of losing Lina pushes back all my anxiousness.

Opening my eyes, I start the car and put the car in gear, and slowly press the gas. As soon as the car moves forward, all my fear vanishes and determination to find her replaces all my fears.

First I decide to look at the spot behind my shop where we often go when any one of us felt overwhelmed and needed some peace.

While driving there I remember she told me that my watch is connected with her watch and if any one of us will press the button on our devices it will alert the other person if they are near us. I press the button hoping that she has not gone anywhere far and still within the range so that she will know that I am calling her since she doesn't have a phone.

Stopping the car, beside my shop I rush towards the spot behind my shop hoping to find her sitting there.

However, when I go there my heart drops into my stomach when my eyes land on her watch with a note beside it. Quickly, I remove the stone and pick up the letter and her watch.

Unfolding the note, I read the words which bring tears of helplessness and frustration to my eyes.

Remember, when I gifted you the watch, I have said that I will let you go once I am sure that you don't need me anymore. I am glad that the time has come to let you go.

"How can you be so stupid, Lina?!" I half yell while crumbling the note in my fist, "How can you leave me?"

"I can't let her go, once all my happiness has been snatched from me, but I will not let that happen again." I wipe my eyes while determination fills my heart, "She is my happiness and I will find her wherever she is."

I have planned so much for tonight and not even once I have thought this how things would turn. Tonight I thought that I will confess my feelings to her, and will let her know how much she means to me, but now when I will find her I will smack her head for her stupidity and audacity to leave me without even talking to me.


I search on the beach since she has a habit of roaming around the beach. Even though I have asked her numerous times not to stroll around alone on the beach at late night because it is not safe, as anything can happen, but the stubborn girl she is, she never listens to me. Tonight I am hoping that I find her here walking on the shore because the thought of her leaving is tearing my heart and I just want her to be back with me.

However, after searching for a while I realized it is useless to look anymore as she is not here. The next place where I decide to look for her is her hotel, maybe she is still there. Although chances are thin, still I need to make sure.This time when I drive the car, I don't feel anxious at all'it just feels like I have never stopped driving at all. It has been more than six months since I have driven myself anywhere. I had a difficult time mentally recovering from my accident. Even sitting in the car or going anywhere near the road used to brought flashes of my accident before my eyes. But then gradually, I overcome my fear as it is impossible to never sit in a car or walk on the road.Dad and Nick helped me in overcoming my fear. They used to sit with me inside a parked car until I felt comfortable enough for them to drive. Then sometimes we used to go to the cafes which are nearby roads so I overcome my fear of cars and roads.Parking my car, I run inside the hotel and make my way towards the reception."Is Lina still here?" I ask the guy at the reception.Mentally, I sigh in relief that he is on the duty. He knows that I am her friend as Lina introduced me to him once I came here since she befriended with his as well, so he might tell me whether she is here or not without asking many questions."No, she has checked out nearly twenty minutes ago," He checks the log and answers me."Damn it." I groan feeling like punching something as I missed her. If I had checked here first then, I would have been able to catch her."Everything okay, man?" He looks at me, with concern."She is going and I need to stop her." I run my hand in my hair, feeling frustrated."I don't know whether it helps or not, but she had hired a cab to the bus station," he informs me."Thanks a lot." I smile. My hope to stop her flares inside my heart again, as I run outside the hotel."I owe you big time!" I shout over my shoulder while getting inside the car.Pressing the gas, I head towards the bus station while my heart swells with newfound hope.Lina, you better be ready to come with me without any fight, because I will not even hesitate to throw you over my shoulder to bring you back home.


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