Chapter 30

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"You know I was just joking when I talked about you killing and dumping me." Lina gives me a wary look when I helped into the boat.

It is taking everything in me not to laugh at her scared expression.

"Scared, we are?" I tease her when I look at her only to find a frightened look in her eyes.

"Everyone is afraid to die." She narrows her eyes at me while holding my hand tightly when the boat slightly moves with our movement.

I wanted to make many jokes about the way she is looking scared, but her hand which is gripping mine stops me from doing so. My chest swells with a strong protective feeling while my heart warms knowing that she is seeking comfort from my presence.

"Don't worry." I caress the back of her hand with my thumb, "I will not let anything happen to you." I boop her nose which makes her scrunch up her nose with a small pout.

"Do you even know how this thing works or we are just going to sit here and take pretty pictures?" Her eyes have a teasing glint when she signs as she looks around the boat looking much more relaxed.

Seeing her relaxed and knowing that my assurance is the reason behind this, brings a sudden feeling of pride inside my chest.

"I am a man of many talents, Lina." I smirk, as I start the engine which instantly makes her comes to my side as she grasps my arm, "Soon you will find out what else I can do, other than lip-reading." I wink at her, enjoying the shock which is coating her face.

You started this Lina... I am only going to make this more interesting.

I think to myself as I recall how she teased me earlier.


Glancing at Lina's face I can't help but laugh, as she digs her fingers in my arm as her grips get tightens even more as we ride the waves at an incredible speed while her face has the biggest smile which I have never seen before on her face.

Initially, she looked scared but the moment wind touched her face mixed with splashes of water, all her fear just vanished. However, she never left my hand, not even for once, earlier it was because of fear and now I guess it is because of excitement as she is nearly jumping on her spot with joy.I can feel that she is shouting something at me, which makes me laugh even harder."Do you realize that no matter how much you shout I will not be able to hear anything?" I bump her forehead with mine, "So don't stress your vocal cords, even whispering will work just fine."After covering a small distance, when we are in the middle of water and the shore has disappeared from our sight I cut off the engine letting the boat float on the water on its own."So did you enjoyed the ride?" I turn to her and remove strands of hair away from her face which is stuck on her face."I loved it!" She smiles brightly, "Thank you... thank you so much!" She throws her arms around me in a brief hug making me lose my balance slightly."Woah, careful." I laugh as I straighten up while she gives me a sheepish look as she mouths sorry."And this is just the beginning of the fun we are going to do a lot more things which I can bet you haven't done ever in your life," I smirk while watching the excitement on her face growing along with curiosity."And since you are an ass you will not tell me what you have planned." She rolls her eyes trying to looking annoyed however, the twitching of her lips is giving away how much she is enjoying all this."Did you call me an ass?" I arch my eyebrow while looking at her seriously, removing every trace of humor from my voice.Her face falls while her smile vanishes from her face, instantly making me feel like a jerk."Sorry." She glances down, as she loosens her grip on my arm.Before she can pull back her hand, I place my hand on hers and curl my fingers around her hand not allowing her to remove her hand."Your apology will only be accepted if you promise that no matter what this smile will not leave your lips." I lightly tap her lips, which earns me a very faint smile."And if you call me an ass again, then I will throw your ass in the water." I push her towards the water, but quickly holding her arm I pull her back towards me."You..." She points her finger at me while gritting her teeth, however, when I start laughing at her face she bends down and scoop some water and throws it at my face.Now it is my turn to glare at her, while she laughs as she again throws water at me. Shaking my head at her, I wipe my face with the crook of my elbow as a betraying smile appears on my face because I don't think I can ever even pretend to be mad at her for a long time because one look at her face all my anger just vanishes.


What the hell Caleb has packed in this basket!I look with horror inside the basket when I find in the name of snacks he has packed all kinds of junk.Picking up the cotton candy I can't help but frown as this was not something which I have in my mind. Thankfully, I have packed proper food as well, otherwise, what she would have thought that I have made her eat only candies on our date.Abruptly, cotton candy is snatched from my hand as I raise my head to find Lina eagerly opening the cotton candy. She happily takes a large bite of it and laughs covering her mouth when cotton candy sticks to the sides of her mouth.Seeing this reaction, I think I need to apologize to Caleb for thinking he was stupid to give me these things, as clearly she looks over-joyed."You love cotton candy?" Leaning back on my seat I look at her devouring her second cotton candy, as the first one was finished in three bites.She nods her head as she smiles then a nostalgic look spreads over her features as she toys with the stick."My mother and I, we always used to eat cotton candies whenever she used to take me to our local fair." She smiles a bittersweet smile, as her eyes slightly glaze over, "We never got a chance to bond like any other mother-daughter, but this is something which I feel is our thing. So cotton candy always reminds me of the happy times we had shared."For some reason, I have understood each and every word of hers... I just felt like I can hear her speak."What about your dad?" I ask her and instantly regret my question when her eyes fill with shadows of sadness."I am sorry," I start speaking, thinking that even her dad has passed away."No, my father is alive." She shakes her head, however, the sadness is still there in her eyes.When she doesn't elaborate any further, I choose not to ask anything else as I have sensed she doesn't want to talk about her father.Wanting nothing but to bring back her smile, I give her the third cotton candy and I am thankful that Caleb has packed around ten of it."Eat as many cotton candies as you want, because that's what you will get to eat today." I shake my head feigning annoyance, "As my stupid brother has only packed candies, chocolates, cotton candies... a lot of cotton candies in the name of food."Her eyes widen as excitement returns to them as she peeks inside the basket."I love him!" She looks between the basket and me with a huge smile, "He is the best!"I have planned all this date and everything... and my baby brother just impresses this girl with a bunch of candies and chocolates.Wow! simply wow!Is it stupid that I feel slightly jealous of my own brother?"And what about me?" I can't help but ask her. "Am I not the best?""No." She shakes her head in no, with a playful smile on her face which turns into a genuine one when she says the next words, "You are perfect."Shifting my gaze towards the vast ocean, involuntarily, a wistful smile comes across my face because I am anything but perfect. I never was, still, I was not flawed like I am now.She moves beside me and I am forced to meet her eyes when she gently cups my face in her hand."You are perfect," She repeats and her eyes show that she truly means it, "For me you are, with all your flaws and imperfections, still you are perfect. You know why? Because you are Jason." Her lips curve into a soft smile while a strange feeling grips my heart as I watch her.


Thank you for reading.

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