Chapter 12

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Ignoring the people around me, I stride towards her, a permanent smile settled on my lips. Running a hand through my wet hair, I put the surfboard beside me in a vertical position.

"So?" I arch an eyebrow at her and I subtly let my eyes roam around her face.

"Yeah, you were not bad," she says as rolling her eyes with a hint of a smile on her lips.

"Not bad, huh?" I shake my bad and chuckle, "If in your dictionary 'not bad' means fantastic, then yeah... I was not bad." I shrug with a slight smirk on my face, enjoying our banter.

"Yeah, sure." She tries to say with a straight face while chewing inside of her cheeks to stop herself from laughing.

"Let's go," she says as removes wisps of hair from her face which loosens from her hair tie. My eyes, unintentionally, following her movement.

"What do you mean by, go?" Instantly, I grab her wrist stopping her from taking another step, "You said, you will surf once I will prove to you that I can surf. So now, it is your turn." Leaving her hand I cross my arms over my chest.

"I don't think it is a good idea." She signs to me as she looks around the crowd nervously repeating the words which I have earlier said to her.

"Afraid, are we?" I tease her, arching my eyebrow at her, "What about knowing how to stand after fall...blah blah blah."

"I said I know how to stand after I fall but I never mentioned I know how to survive after I drown." She pouts then gives me a sheepish smile.

"C'mon it will not be that bad. I will be there with you, I will not let you drown, trust me." I encourage her.

"No, everyone will ...... at me," she says while pointing a finger towards her.

Everyone will? I think for a moment trying to decipher the word. Laugh?

"Everyone will laugh at you?" I repeat the sentence to confirm.

She nods her head, looking uncomfortable.

"Nothing like this will happen.No one will laugh at you" I assure her giving her a reassuring smile but the stubborn girl refuses to budge.

"Since you haven't left me with any other option, I have to introduce you to water by myself," I say as I shake my head slowly, her eyebrows shoot up and I notice her stance changes as she is about to sprint off in another direction.

But before she can take another step, I quickly catch her and throw her over my shoulder. I laugh loudly at the useless attempts for her to free herself. I know she must be cursing me royally, as she continues to kick and hits my back with her fists.

"You know, what is the best thing about being deaf is?" I ask in between laughs, briefly, she stills her movement indicating I have got her attention, "You can't blame me for turning deaf ear to your pleas." I laugh loudly while tightening my hold on her thighs so that she does not fall as she punches my back again.

I let her body slip from my hold as I walk past waist-deep water. Her entire body brushes mine, making me intake a sharp breath, as she stands in front of me holding my shoulders to balance herself in water.

I can feel waves lapping around us, making our bodies sway with water. A large wave approaches us and she stands on her toes, trying to keep herself above water. Instantly, wrapping my arm around her small waist I bring her closer to me and pick her up. With my other hand, I lightly tap behind her thigh silently asking her to wrap her legs around me, all while not breaking eye contact with her.

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