Chapter 8

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"If one day you get your hearing back, but none of them are with you. Then will you be happy?"

"You can't hear but there are people who want to talk to you. You can't listen to them, but still, this does not stop them from listening to you. Even if you have changed, this does not stop them from sharing their feelings with you because you are family. You are so fortunate Jason, please open your eyes, before it is too late."

The entire night I was lying awake without a wink of sleep in my eyes her words... her face flashes before my eyes. No matter how much I try, her words keep on playing like a loop in my head keeping me awake.

How could I sleep when guilt was eating me from inside?

A stranger, an outsider knows my family better than me. Whereas I was doubting their love for me. I have never been so ashamed of myself in my entire life, how much I am feeling ashamed now. I don't even know how I am going to face them?

I say they do not feel my pain...understand what I am going through. While it was me who was wrong, all this time, thinking that they do not care. I was so engrossed in myself... in my pain, that I did not notice how much they are suffering.

No apology will be enough for the way I have behaved with them. No reparation can vanish the pain I have caused to them. But I have to apologize to them and even if they do not forgive me, I will work for their forgiveness.

I have hurt them with my harsh words, now I will try to win them back with my sincere apology.

With a determination in my heart to attempt to mend the damages which I have caused, I make my way downstairs.

However, each step feels heavy, increasing the weight which is crushing my heart. The guilt and regret which I am feeling are almost suffocating me.

The moment I reach downstairs, the first thing I notice that the house is enveloped in a strange quietness.

For me, it is always quiet, but this is something different... something more horrifying. This silence I can feel it inside. The normal noiselessness makes me agitated, but this is making me anxious.

A sigh of relief leaves from my mouth when I find mom and Caleb in the dining room. Dad must have left for work, as he is not in the room.

For one moment... a dreadful one moment, I felt everyone left me like I am all alone, truly alone.

Mom's eyes meet mine as I enter the room, unlike every day her face does not have a smile when she looks at me. Neither she talks to me, turning her head down she continues serving Caleb his breakfast.

Caleb, on the other hand, does not even glances in my direction, he quietly eats his breakfast.

I keep on staring her, with a hope that she will at least look in my direction.

Then my eyes move to Caleb and I can see he is deliberately ignoring me just like mom.

"Good morning." Clearing my throat I sit on my chair. Again my eyes move from mom to Caleb in the hope that anyone of them will talk to me or at least look at my guilt-filled eyes, but no avail.

Mom pours me a glass of apple juice and silently places in front of me, as I make my plate. I wait for her to lovingly place her hand on my head as she used to do every day even when she was angry with me. I raise my eyes to find her clenching her hand on her side and turning away.

Stealing glance at Caleb I see, instead of eating he just moving his food around the plate while staring at it.

"Caleb, I am-"

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