Chapter 17

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After closing the shop I went to the small hotel in the town, where she is staying, to meet her but she was not there. So, after waiting for her for a while I returned home.

Later, I tried to call Lina again but her phone is switched off, confirming my assumptions that something is definitely wrong.Closing my eyes, I lie down on my bed but her face keeps appearing before my eyes making me restless."Why the hell she has turned off her phone?!" I sit up and run my hand through my hair slightly pulling them in frustration."What might have happened that she looked so..." Again her face flashes before my eyes, "Upset?"I frown as I realize everything about her was screaming that she is hurt. Even though her face was not revealing much but still her behavior seems odd... like she is trying to hide something.Now when I more think about our conversation, it becomes clear to me that she is trying to hide her pain.Standing up, I start to pace around in my room not knowing what to do. I don't even know why she is upset, so how can I help her?The feeling of being helpless clawing my heart, normally, it is because of my hearing loss. But today, it is because of her.Picking up my keys, I decided to go on a walk.I aimlessly walk along the shore feeling the cool breeze of the night.Water always helps to quiet the chaos in my mind, whenever I am feeling restless. There are numerous times when I have simply sat and glanced at the ocean for hours and hours. I feel a certain kind of peace whenever I am near water.After walking for a while, I think to return home but something in me stopping me from doing so.Therefore, instead of returning, I start walking further away from my usual path. I frown when I find Lina standing alone as she looks over the ocean."Lina," I call her name while approaching her.She turns to me, looking surprised."Hey." She smiles looking at me which looks more like a forced one, as her eyes showing her anguish.When I do not reply, as I stare at her face waiting for her to drop her act.Her smile instantly falls from her face, as moisture starts to seep through her eyes. Biting her lower lip, she swallows hard trying to keep herself together."Lina..." I softly speak as I open my arms.Instantly, she throws her arms around me as her whole body starts to shake as she sobs hiding her face in my chest.Her cries tearing my heart, even though I can't listen to her sobs for which I am grateful. I can feel the wetness of her tears through my shirt as her ragged breathing my clenching my heart painfully.I hate seeing her like this. With each sob of her, I can feel her anguish and pain which is burdening her heart.The way she is holding me tells, how much she is hurting from inside.I keep on holding her till her sob quietens. Pulling back slightly, I look at her tear stricken face and red eyes. A few tears still escape from her eyes which I gently wipe with my finger as I hold her face.Pressing my lips to her head, I pull her back in my arms.The pain in her eyes is crushing my heart and I just want to take away this pain from her.After a few moments, she steps away from me and gives me a small but genuine smile."Thank you, I needed this hug." She speaks, then quickly signs."If you wanted me to hug you, you should have just said it." I shrug, "You do not have to cry for it." I joke in the hope to lighten her mood, which works as she cracks a smile.


"I was six years old when cancer took away my mom for me." She swallows as her hands lightly tremble as she signs.We both walk back to my shop but instead of going inside she wanted to remain outside, so I take her to the side of the shop where I go and sit when I needed a moment to myself."The day she died was the day I got my voice back." She laughs as tears fall from her eyes. "I was calling her but she could not hear me anymore.""When I started speaking I use to have difficulty while speaking, I used to stutter, so I stopped talking." She shrugs. "No matter how much mom talked to me I just did not use to reply vocally.""When mom consulted some doctors they said I do not have any problem, my problem is similar to selective mutism. I will start speaking when I am ready." She signs and shakes her with a smile. "My mom made me learn sign language so that I could express myself, in the hope that she will be able to find the reason why I do not speak.""This really helped, as I was able to share my feelings with her. But every day she hoped to hear my voice." A broken smile appears on her face, "So, gathering my courage again I tried to speak, but then I just could not speak... it was like I have forgotten how to speak.""But everyday mom used to do speech therapy with me and at night I used to practice alone." She sighs."One day, mom told me that she is very sick and the only wish she has was to hear my voice." She turns to me as tears flowing freely from her eyes, "I did fulfill her wish, but only it was the moment before she closed her eyes."When she finished signing, a single tear slips from my eye which I hastily wipe.My heart is aching to see her so broken but she does not need any sympathy, she needs someone to be strong for her to support her.Her lips are moving as if she is speaking something while she looks up, I do not need any language to understand what she is saying.Because her tears are speaking about how much she misses her mom.Wiping her face she covers her face with her hands as if she is trying to compose herself."Thank you for being with me." She swallows, "I do not realize until now how much I did not want to be alone."I hold her hand in my hand gently running circles with my thumb on the back of her hand. I can understand how she is feeling.Sometimes we want to be left alone, but we do not want to be alone.Even though she has shared a big part of her with me, but still, I can feel this is not entirely the reason for her sadness. There is something else, which broke her."You can talk to me, Lina." I glance at her face watching the trace of pain evident in her eyes, "Friends share each other's pain."Instead of replying she shifts her gaze to me with a small smile."You know, why I love water?" She signs then turns to face the sea, "When you share your pain with it, it divides your pain in each wave until there is nothing left. And when you share your happiness with it, it multiplies your happiness and sends it back in your direction with every wave.""I have shared my pain with it." She tears her gaze away and slightly tilts her head in my direction a faint smile gracing her lips.Her words clearly told me she is not ready to tell me the actual reason for her tears. But I feel happy to know that she trusts me enough to show me her vulnerable side.But now I want my Lina back."Serious talk does not suit you." I smile and flick her nose making her frown, "The words like idiot, irritating, and annoying goes with your personality."Her mouth opens in shock as she slaps my arm."You are a jerk!" She glares at me, turns her face away from me.Without warning, I pick her up as I start running towards the water, as she grips my shoulder probably shouting at me, and then I throw her in the water."Please take away this pain in my ass," I yell at the ocean laughing loudly as she emerges from the water while spluttering.Quickly, standing up she pushes me hard, making me fall into the water. Now it is her turn to laugh as the saltwater goes in my mouth and nose making me cough feverously."You are dead." I glare at her playfully while feeling relieved to see her smiling face again.Her eyes widen when I stand up as she jumps away from me and starts running in the opposite direction.She turns her face to look at me as she laughs, while I chase her.Picking up my speed, I quickly catch her as she yells something at me but a smile is still present on her face."We are sharing our happiness with each other, now our happiness will multiple so much that there will no space for sadness in our lives." I smile at her while pressing my forehead with her.


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