Chapter 25

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Lina's POV

My heartbeat quickens when I see Chris standing in front of me, as all the anger which I feel for him resurfaces.

He is not the same Chris whom I thought I used to love, he is the person who played with me and my feelings.

Hate and anger rise inside my chest, as his betrayal flashes before my eyes. I hate myself for being a fool to fall into his trap and started imagining my future with him.

"Hi." He raises his eyebrows while his lips stretch into a smile, "What a pleasant surprise to meet you here, Lina." He looks at me like everything is fine between us like I am his some long lost friend with whom he had an unexpected reunion.

"You are looking good, even better than the last time I have seen you." He eyes me up and down, and suddenly making me feel so dirty.

There was a time when his gaze on me used to fill my heart with all those warm and fuzzy feelings but now I feel nothing but disgust.

"Oh, God!" I hear Maria's voice, "Why do I have to see her face when anything is good happening in my life!" She says in a high-pitched voice instantly gaining the attention of others.

"Baby, I was so excited to be here with you and my family, and she just had to show up here." She hooks her arm with his as she makes a face while looking at me like she has tasted something nasty, "Are you following us?"

"Listen, if you are trying to steal my man from me, then I should warn you I am not going to let you fulfill your dream." She glares at me while her hold on Chris's arm tightens.

Her words make me laugh.

"Do you really think I want this piece of shit?" I arch an eyebrow as I wave my hand in Chris's direction, "Please, by all means, keep him with you. You know why? Because you both are perfect for each other. One is a cheating bastard and the other is a lying bitch."

However, a crack of slap which rings in my ear causes my laugh to die down as my cheek stings where my father's hand touched my face.

Tears gather in my eyes against my will, as I meet the angered gaze of my father.

"Enough of your nonsense, you are nothing but a disgrace. I have given you more than you have deserved but even then you never leave any chance to bring shame to me and my family." He glares at me, as I realize many eyes are on us, watching the scene unfolding before them. "We have come here to celebrate our daughter's engagement but you just have to ruin our happiness."

"Since the moment you entered our lives, you only brought problems with you." He clenches his teeth, "I have seen how you are always after Maria's happiness, from childhood you tried to snatch whatever was hers. You even tried to fill Emmet's ears against his own sister. I don't know how much more problems you will create for us."

There are moments when you have so much to speak but you are unable to say anything as the pain which is piercing your heart takes away your ability to voice out your feelings. That is what I am going through at this moment.

Honestly, all I want to do is to forget that the person standing in front of is my father and slap him so hard for all the things which I went through because of him. However, even though he never acknowledged our relationship, I can never do something like this. Call me weak or pathetic, but I don't have the power to stand against him.

That's why I always tried to stay away from him because I know all he can give me is hate and I will not be able to do anything about it. Because he may have never accepted me as his daughter but I can't forget that he is my father. I can never love him or respect him, but I can never forget our relation. Maybe I am still living in a false hope that one day at least he will not look at me with hatred... that one day he will realize even I deserved some of his love.

"I am sorry that you have to suffer so much because of me." I smile, because this will only annoy them even more and that's what I want, "Trust me, if it was in my hand I would have done everything in my power to make sure that I never meet you guys again, but I guess my bad luck keeps on following me around." I shrug.

"Since you are getting married and beginning a new life and all." My tone full of disinterest as I raise my eyebrows at Maria, "I just hope you get everything which you deserve." I give her a flying kiss, then turning around I leave from there.


Earlier I had decided to stay away from the beach, but now that's where I end up.

Even though there are still some people at the beach, but by walking a little further I find a peaceful and quiet place. Sitting down on the sand, I pull my knees up my chest as I glance at the vast ocean. Soon every thought of mine is lost in the waves which are crashing against the shore, as I focus on the rhythmic pattern of the waves.

I wanted the sounds of the waves to silence the storm which is forming inside me. I am frustrated, annoyed, and hurt... and I want these feelings out of me. I am just like every other normal person with feelings, even though I try my best not to fuel these emotions inside me but some things are out of our control.

Closing my eyes, I rest my cheek against my knees, as the cool humid breeze caresses my skin every now and then. Soon the tranquility of the sea starts to lull me to sleep. Placing my bag underneath my head, I lie down on my side while closing my eyes and soon I fall into a dreamless sleep.

I don't know how long I have slept as I am pulled back into consciousness by the ringing of my cellphone. Taking out the phone from my bag, I see Jason's number flashing on the screen.

And for the first time, I disconnect his call because I don't want to talk to him. But like the stubborn guy he is, he calls again, and when I don't answer his call again, he leaves several messages on my phone. Instead of reading his messages, I turn off the phone and throw it inside my bag, as my earlier agitation returns as I realize while trying to help him, I am getting attached to him.

I am afraid to give a name to the feelings that my heart has for him, as then everything will become real.

When I agreed to be his friend, at that time I haven't thought about how things will start to become complicated.

He just needed someone who would have shown him, that nothing has ended for him... one accident can't define him or his life. And I am happy that I could help him in any way I can, but now it is time that I should stop myself from interfering in his life and let him be.

He doesn't have any feelings for me, and what will I gain from letting my heart to follow the path which will give me nothing but heartbreak?

He has his family, his friends, and probably now he even got Jessica back in his life so he doesn't need me anymore. So my absence will not create any significant difference in his life.

Nick had told me that there was some girl whom Jason loved, and even Jason told me before his accident he was engaged to someone, and after seeing him with Jessica I am not a fool that I will not realize who that girl is. I am happy that Jason is one of those few people who might get a chance to spend their life with their love. And I just hope he doesn't let his fears get in the way of his happiness.


Thank you for reading.

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