Chapter 40

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Lina's POV

My vision gets blurred with tears that keep on rolling down my eyes, no matter how much I try to stop them. My heart is twitching painfully inside my chest, never in my life, I have felt hurt so much.

For as long as I can remember, after mom's death, no one has ever loved me. Emmet was the only one whom I thought used to love me, but today that misunderstanding has also been cleared. Even he never loved me, he is also like everyone else.

Today, I have realized that I am truly alone... there is no one whom I can call mine.

Sighing, I wipe my eyes and cover my face with my hands for a moment to compose myself so I don't like anyone to see me as a crying mess. When I am sure I will not break down again, I look up to check whether the bus is ready to leave or not.

After going back to my hotel, I collected my stuff and came straight to the bus station. Since I didn't have any idea where I am going or what I wanted to do next so I just bought the ticket to the next bus whichever is leaving. At this moment, I just want to get away from everyone, because I don't want myself to get hurt more.

I don't have anywhere to go, so I can go wherever I want. Just like I landed in this town with no specific destination in my mind. It feels like my destiny has brought me here so that I can meet Jason.

However, my time here has come to an end. So now it is time for me to move on to a different place and be a new Lina whose heart is not burdened with painful memories of the past. But I will always remember each and every moment which I lived in this place and will cherish these moments throughout my life.

Until now I was faking to be strong that going away from Jason will not tear my heart, however, this is not the truth. It feels like somebody has clawed my heart out of my chest, leaving an unbearable ache in its place.

Emmet and Jason, they both were the two most important people in my life and today somewhere I have lost both of them. I always knew Jason can't be mine, so I never dared to chase this dream.

Maybe because I don't want to come in between him and his happiness, which is not me. I can never try to snatch someone else's love because I can never be happy after hurting someone.

But this doesn't mean that seeing Jason with someone else will hurt me any less. And today, the pain that seared my heart when I saw him with Jessica tells me that my decision to get away from here, and cutting all my ties from everyone, is for the best. Because if I am feeling so hurt by seeing them together for some time, then how will I bear to see them together for the rest of my life?

Taking out a water bottle from my backpack, I take a large gulp of water. All these emotions are constricting my throat and making my throat hurt.

Clearing my throat, trying to get rid of the dry lump which is choking my throat, I rest my head back on the backrest of the chair and close my eyes. However, another set of tears spring in my eyes, as Jason's face comes before my closed eyes.

"Where the hell do you think you are going?" Jason's voice reaches my ears, startling me.

Opening my eyes, I turn in the direction of the voice to find Jason glaring at me. Hastily, I wipe my tears with the heels of my palm as I stand up.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, as he marches towards me.

"Don't question me." He shakes his head, while his eyes narrow in anger, "Tell me, what are you doing here?"

"My bus is about to leave." I jerk my thumb in the direction of the bus, when I hear people getting inside the bus, "I have to go." I grab the strap of my bag, wanting to get away from him as fast as I can.

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