Chapter 2 (Thomas's Pov)

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     I woke up just before my alarm, quite refreshed. Huh, that's strange. I did my routine and walked out, bagel in hand. I'm not gonna be late. I rush to debate class, only seeing Hamilton and several other students there. Hamilton looked tired, his bags sagging under his eyes. His eyes seemed to lose its life, the purple-blue orbs dead. He was completely quiet, writing down something in his journal. Unusual for someone like him not to be talking or singing in someway.

     "Mister Jefferson! Quite weird seeing you this early!" Mr. Washington exclaimed a hearty smile painted on his face. I returned a similar smile, "Yep, a little weird." His smile dropped a bit. "Can you stand outside the room for a little bit? I need to talk to you about something." I nodded and waited outside the door. After a few minutes, Mr. Washington walked out and faced me with a saddened face.

     "Have you seen how weird Hamilton was acting?" I nodded. "I texted him yesterday just to check up on him and he texted back 'please don't text me, I don't want you to get hurt'. look." I pull out my phone and went to my conversation with Hamilton, showing Mr. Washington. "Okay first of all, why is his name 'Hamilshit'?" I chuckled nervously, "I'll change it later." He squinted at me before continuing the conversation.

     "And number two, that is very concerning. Do you know what he means?" I shook my head. "I'm on a mission though." Washington looks up at me, an eyebrow raised. "I'm gonna find the cause of Hamilton's unhappiness and I'm gonna fix it. Show it who's boss!" Washington chuckled at my enthusiasm. "Just make sure my son's ok." He gave a sad smile before we walked into the now almost filled room.

    I sat next to Hamilton and he slightly shifts away from me. Not a good start. I took out my magenta post-it notes and write down 'are you ok' on it. I place it on next to the journal he was writing in. He glanced at the note, his purple-blue eyes shimmering with a small amount of hope, before continuing his task at hand. I wrote more on the post-it notes, sending him nice things like 'you are amazing' and 'I like your singing, you should sing more'. He seemed to like that one the most.

     The bell rang, and Hamilton's desk was filled with complimentary post-its. He smiled like a dork, picking them up and reading them. Was he really gonna save all those? At least he looked happy. I heard him mumble something before leaving, his smile slightly dropping. It was beautiful while it lasted. I waved goodbye to Mr. Washington and went to my classes.

The day went quickly and soon I was back at my dorm, chomping down on the string cheese. I was watching The Princess and the Frog, a childhood favorite. Sure it's weird for a boy like me to like it, but I don't care. It's a good Disney movie and they happen to have it on Netflix. I continue to chew on the cheese, humming to one of the songs, then my phone buzzed. I quickly sat up, nearly hitting myself in the process. My eyes grow wide at the text.


Hamilshit: Can we talk?

Jeffershit: Sure. About what?

Hamilshit: Just meet in Starbucks @ 6

Jeffershit: ok. See ya.


Oh shit. "Hey Siri," the phone screen darkened, indicating that Siri was listening. "Set an alarm for five-thirty pm," Siri replied," Ok. Second alarm set for 5:30 pm." I only hummed in response, continuing to watch the movie. I just can't wait.

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