Chapter 4 (Thomas's Pov)

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"Anything else?" I asked. "I guess that should-"

Then the café was filled with the sound of thunder.

Hamilton jumped at the sudden sound, his body shaking. Oh, the poor thing. "Are you alright?" I asked but was answered by nothing. So he's not fine. I sat next to the shaking man, who was now curled up into a fetal position. "Hamilton. You have to trust me, ok?" He nodded slowly. "Okay. I want you to breathe in and out. In. Out." He did so, calming down a little.

"You are safe. You are in a café with me, Thomas. You are not where you think you are. You are here in New York. In the campus of King's College. You are studying to be a lawyer." He blinked, putting his feet on the floor. He still shook softly, but he was calmer than earlier. "T-thanks." He muttered out. I simply smiled. "Anything for you." I blurted. Hamilton looked at me, his eyebrow raised. "Like... anything?" He wiggled his eyebrows, smirking. I nudged him with my shoulder a little too rough, "shut up!" He merely giggled in reply.

"Alright," he stood up, signaling me to get out of the booth. "Thanks." He warmly smiled at me. I returned the smile. "I've gotta go. John is most likely worrying his ass off." He laughed. "Okay. I'll see ya around." We waved each other our goodbyes and he left, leaving me standing by the booth. It was disappointing, really. I wish more happened between us. More than 'frenemies'. When I walked out of the café, the sky was dark but filled with small shining diamonds, twinkling in the sky.

A big star stood amidst all the diamonds, wish upon it they said and it may come true. And so I did. "I wish Hamilton and I were together," I mumbled under my breath. Sure it wouldn't come true of course, but why not give it a try? It did happen to Tiana, though it's just a Disney movie, nothing true ever happens in those. But if only...


"Recording Wish." The computer hummed, "I wish Hamilton and I were together." A man made a throaty noise. "Jefferson and Hamilton eh?" The man chuckled. "Who shall we send for this mission?"

"I believe I can do it sir." Another man requests. "You also need a partner. This is a big task." The first man grumbled. "You!" He pointed to another, "You'll fit the job nicely."

"Yes sir." He replied. "Very well then. Laurens, Madison, don't let me down." The two agents nodded. "We won't let you down Mr. Burr sir." They both marched away. "And I get to be in the room where it all started~." The boss hummed to himself. "The room where it happens."

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