Chapter 10 (Agent Madison's Pov)

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We sat on a bench, eating our lunch. Thomas has been acting giddier today, talking more often and having more energy than usual. Also, he had a big dorky smile on his face. "What's up with you being so happy all the sudden?" I question, taking another bite of my sandwich. "Hamilton and I are gonna go to a nice restaurant later~" he hummed happily.

"Ooh, look at you! You're finally getting together with him?" He nodded furiously, taking a bite of his burrito. "I know! It's like my wish coming true!" He was so happy that day. Little did he know, John and I were the ones making it come true. If John didn't break up with Alexander, they would have gotten married. Alex did always look a little sad when they were together. No one knows why. I wonder what happened...


I walk into the dorm, placing my keys on a table. I had moved into John's dorm, since Alex left and it'll be better for our job. Satellite Wishes™️ is the company's name, never heard of it? Most likely because it's a secret organization. It's what the name suggests, you wish on the 'evening star' (which is a Satellite) and it's our job to make it come true. Only one wish though, we don't have enough agents for another round of wishes, let alone three. We are no genies. And no, we can't make unicorns a real or resurrect your dead grandma, that's for the company Wizzies and Witches: make all your crazy dreams come true™️, which is also a secret organization.

     John eventually slumps into the dorm, flopping onto the couch. I sit next to him, eating a bag of chips. "What happened?" I asked, making a loud crunch sound as I bite onto the large chip. "Our jobs James," he mumbled, sliding off the couch and laid on the floor with a thud. "I never wanted to break up with him James. I truly loved him, but I just had to take the god damn job." He complained. I merely listened, munching on the chips. "Well, why'd ya take it?" I asked. "I felt like I needed to. Something in the back of my mind was nagging be about it at the moment, so I accepted the job." He stared at the ceiling. "And I hate myself for it."

     "Hey, at least he looks happier." I shrug, finishing the salty chips. He shrugged, "Yeah, I guess."
"If he's happy, shouldn't you be happy too?"
"Yeah, but the other day I kissed Peggy because I saw him walk towards us. She hated it, I hated it, and I bet Lexi hated seeing it." He sighed, "I also saw him at the bar, drunk as hell." He twirled his fingers. I sat on the floor next to him. "It'll be ok, I promise. You'll find your love soon." He smiled slightly, "I suppose, but how long do I have to wait?" He grumbled. "Soon John. Just learn patience." I cooed.

     "If it makes you feel better, I lost my love too, Thomas." John scoffed, "Him?" I nod. "Yeah... I wasn't expecting to be chosen, but ya know. You have to do whatever you gotta do. Besides, we get paid the big bucks for this." I chuckle. "Like how much? $950 per day?" Laurens nods. "How lucky were we to get a job like this?"

"Very," I reply. I did really like Thomas, sure he was a dick sometimes, but he was usually sweet and nice. When I got sick, and I got sick A LOT, he'd always be ready with his 'cure a Jemmy' bag. He'd nurse me back to health, even though he'd sometimes get tired of it. We'd always have movie nights and we would accidentally fall asleep. Yes, I did fall in love with my best friend, just like Laurens, but he deserves better. Besides, he looks happier.

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