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The ability to love so easily is one of mans greatest weaknesses. When we find somebody we deeply care about, we give ourselves to them. We tell them our deepest secrets, our biggest goals in life, past experiences that make us the person we've turned into. It's a feeling that makes us complete, and the person we are with makes us the happiest we've ever felt. We feel motivated and refreshed, like life has a whole new meaning. Love is one of the best feelings in the world. The worst feeling in the world, is when that love is taken from us. That person we gave ourselves to and made ourselves vulnerable for, is all of a sudden gone. The person that you felt most comfortable and happy with, leaves. The only other person that truly understands you decides they no longer want to be a part of your life. This is the worst feeling we can experience as humans. All of a sudden we feel empty inside, like a part of us is missing. That refreshed motivation now turns into sorrow and we experience heartbreak. Any little detail that reminds you of them, makes you ache inside. Thinking of their laugh and smile, the memories the two of you made, makes tears roll down your face. You want nothing more then to be back with that person, like nothing ever happened. But you soon realize that they are forever gone and not coming back. You start to blame yourself and the little mistakes you made along the way. You realize you took them for granted and could've done more. Soon, depression sets in and it starts to play with you. It stops you from enjoying little moments in life and reminds you of them. It stops you from being able to make it through the day without feeling down about yourself. It replaces the happiness you once felt, and becomes a part of you, filing that hole. In your mind, you're worthless to those around you and no one would care or notice if you were gone. You no longer want to try and be happy because it becomes too much work. You're new solution of happiness is to take away any chance of you getting this hurt again. You start to shelter yourself, becoming very cautious about who you let into your life. You're scared to open up to anybody or let anyone start to get close again. You don't want to feel that pain and betrayal ever again. Some of us end up living our entire lives in fear of letting someone hurt us again. The loss we felt and the pain we experienced stay with us for years. Those people never love again. And some of us, recover from the heartbreak. We move on and become a stronger person, still careful of who we let in, but more willing to open up to others. We slowly start giving our love to someone, letting them become our other half in hopes of not being destroyed again. Few us will get lucky and never be hurt again by love, others will repeat this process with more caution. But the journey of love only helps us grow. It teaches us to just be ourselves and the right person will come into our lives. It teaches us that even though you can be destroyed so easily, you can eventually be built back up, stronger then before. So even though it's a long journey, it's all worth it in the end.

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