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Change. A simple word that can have such a large impact. It can mean your entire life is going to be different, for better or worse. Usually in life, we experience the worse before the better. We feel the heartbreak of losing someone very close to us; we learn how to live a life without them. Accepting change can be scary to do. As humans, our bodies naturally run off of a schedule. When something disrupts that schedule, our bodies may react negatively. I have found many times in my life that even the slightest change can cause a large ripple effect. As the game of life goes on, we will lose friends and gain friends. We will lose loved ones. Our careers might become different along the way. All of these experiences shape us to be who we are. We don't notice it, but everyday as humans we are changing. We are learning something new, forgetting something old. In my opinion, the hardest change to accept is the one you don't want to happen. For me, it's friendships. I have very few friends, but I make sure the ones I have are of importance to me. Everyone means something different to me and brings something to my life that others simply can not. To have those friendships change, it effects me hard. I go from a routine with them to something new, something completely different. I react negatively to it and ruin something that was still okay. I was told that friendships evolve and we have to evolve with them. That's a lot easier said then done. To go from always joking around to maybe talking a couple times a week. To call every single day and then never to hear their voice again. It's a scary process and it's not one I like to accept or go with. To me, it's easier to end the friendship than it is to evolve with it and possibly be hurt by the change taking place. But what good does that do? We lose someone who else's very close to us and meant a lot to us. Someone who contributed positively to our lives and helped shape us into who we are. At the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves. Is a few adjustments here and there really worth losing someone over?

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