Chapter 5

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You didn't say much on the ride back to camp. Dutch kept glancing at you. Probably just checking you weren't about to try to make a bit for freedom. Not much point really. By the look of Dutch's horse, he would out run you easily. It didn't alter the fact, that you felt like a prisoner. Maybe he was thinking of your welfare, but you were sure if you'd put your foot down, you would have found yourself tied to the back of a horse again.

You'd noticed a young lad, tied to a tree. If you tried to leave again, you figured you might end up with the same fate.

For now, you'd stay put. Avoid Sadie, and try to keep your head down.

When you arrived back, you dismounted Lily and hitched her. Before you had a chance to walk off, Dutch was there, his hand on your shoulder, guiding you where he wanted you to go.

Its something you had noticed about this gang, they were really touchy, feely. Your daddy had never been like that. He'd just tell you to go somewhere, and leave you to it.

You supposed that was something else you would have to get used to. Or more likely put up with, until you could make another bid for freedom.

As you walked into the centre of the camp, Susan came rushing over.

"Are you OK, Blair?" she asked.

Dutch let go of your shoulder.

"Yes, I'm fine," you remarked.

Susan's hands, clamped on your face, and her other hand pressed your nose.

You winced, slightly. But wasn't able to pull away.

Susan hummed, "I think it's just bruised, at least its not broken. Now sit down, and I'll get you some stew, then you can get some rest. I set you up a tent next to Dutch and Arthur."

You just stared at her, as she kept talking. When you first laid eyes on her, she didn't strike you as the maternal type, but right now she was mothering you. You couldn't quite understand why. A bit like when Arthur brought you down off the mountain.

You glanced around the camp, there were several people there you hadn't seen before. Not really surprising, considering you had spent most of the time in the little cabin in the mountains.

You saw Arthur wandering across camp towards you, he sat at the table.

"You came back then," he smirked.

"I didn't have much choice," you scowled. "If I'd known, I wouldn't have gone to the hotel in Valentine," you grumbled.

"We're only lookin' out for ya," Arthur remarked.

"Well I can look out for myself," you huffed.

Arthur chuckled, "you get a fever, then you nearly get your nose broke. Seems to me you need all the lookin' after you can get."

you rolled your eyes, "ain't my fault if Sadie can't keep her fists to herself."

Arthur raised his eyebrows, "is if you're bad mouthing her!"

You narrowed your eyes, "It ain't bad mouthing, if it's the truth," you retorted.

Arthur shrugged, "well one of ya ain't speakin' the truth."

"Fine!" you stood up, and walked away. You headed towards the edge of the cliff.

Susan called over to you, "Blair, I've got your food!"

You carried on walking, "I ain't hungry!" you snarled.

You sat on the edge of the cliff, your legs dangling over the edge. The one person who you thought might be your friend, had already betrayed you. Not really surprising. Everyone always believed Sadie. Even your father, and look where that got him. It wouldn't be long, she'd get the whole the camp to believe her side of the story, and that would be it. At least then you could leave, they'd probably kick you out. After all, that was what you wanted wasn't it. You didn't want to be an outlaw.

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