Chapter 16

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Despite all the worries running through your brain, when you closed your eyes, with your head resting on Dutch's lap you felt safe. Safe from Arthur, safe from Sadie, and most importantly safe from your grandfather.

But, as ever your sleep was plagued by nightmares. Not really surprising considering what had happened lately.

You screeched at the top of your voice "No!"

You woke up, panting, you heart almost beating out of your chest. Your held your hands to your chest in a vain attempt to get your breath back.

Dutch who had been standing by the open flap of his tent, smoking a cigar. Threw it to the floor, grinding it into the ground with his boot.

He ran over to the cot, where you were sitting, beads of sweat running down your face.

He sat next to you, and tentatively wrapped his arm around you. When you didn't flinch your pull away. He pulled you into him.

"hush now, it's OK. It was just a bad dream," he soothed.

You instinctively flung your arms around him, resting your head on his chest. Feeling the need to cling to something. As you did, he rubbed your back.

After a few moments, you let go, and sat up straight.

"I'm sorry," you whispered, your face flushed, your breathing starting to return to normal. Your heart beat had slowed, but hadn't returned to normal. Nothing to do with the dream, it always beat a little faster when you were close to Dutch. You hadn't quite figured out why.

Dutch stroked your face with his hand, "No need to be sorry," he whispered.

You slowly pulled away from him, and he let you go.

He stood up and walked across the tent, picking up your trousers.

"Here, you should put these on," he suggested, laying the jeans on the cot, "then I'll take you outside and introduce you to Josiah," he added, walking towards the doorway.

You looked towards the door. "Could...I mean...Can he come in, I don't want to go outside," you stammered.

Dutch turned around, and walked back to you where you sat. Your hands were gripping the edge of the cot, as though it was the only thing keeping you grounded. Gripping so tight, your knuckles were white.

You looked at Dutch with pleading eyes.

Dutch took your hands, gently rubbing the tops with his thumbs. "I thought you liked it outside, Blair. Tell me what's the matter," he asked, gently.

You looked down at the floor, "I...I'm scared," you stuttered.

Dutch gently took hold of your chin, with his fingers, tilting it up, so you were looking at him.

"There's nothing to be scared of, I won't leave your side, Blair. I promise."

"He said he'd slit my throat," you blurted, a tear trickled down your cheek.

"No one is gonna slit anything," Dutch snapped, angrily. He smiled, as the anger slipped from his face. He gently cupped your face in his hand, wiping your tear away with his thumb.

"I promise Blair, I won't let anyone hurt you, do you believe me?" he asked, and intent look in his eyes.

"yes," you whispered. You pressed your face into his hand, his touch making you feel safe.

Dutch leant in, and pressed his lips to yours, in a gentle kiss.

"Now," he said, as he stood up straight, "get ready, and you can meet Josiah."

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