Chapter 17

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The distance from the camp at Clemens Point to Rhodes was only short. But for you the time it took seemed like an eternity. Throughout the ride, Dutch wrapped his arm around you and every so often his hand would stroke your stomach through the flimsy material of your shirt, making you tremble. You didn't know how, but Dutch seemed to know the difference between your trembling with fear and trembling with pleasure. This was definitely the latter. He could also tell when your heart was racing. This was his favourite torment, or so it seemed to you.
"Blair my dear, your little heart is racing, what's the matter?" Dutch whispered in your ear, his face gently touching your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.
"I...I don't kn...know," you stuttered.
Dutch chuckled "maybe this will help," he said, as he kissed your neck.
Your heart beat faster, as he hit your sweet spot. Your whole body tingled, you squirmed and your back arched. A moan escaped from your lips.
"Careful my sweet, we wouldn't want you to fall." He chuckled, as he moved his hand up and placed it between your breasts, pressing you closer, if that were possible. You felt the coil starting to build in your stomach again. You were pretty sure Dutch knew exactly what he was doing. You would have said something, but all you could manage was a moan, and you couldn't seem to string a sentence together.
You were thankful when the town of Rhodes came into sight. It was pretty with lots of people milling around. You hoped they hadn't noticed how flushed your face was. You made a mental note, that next time he offered to take you somewhere you would take your own horse.
Dutch headed for the Gunsmith. Once he"d hitched his horse, he placed his hand on your waist and gently lifted you down.

Dutch smirked, "you look a little red in the face, is everything alright?"

You bit your bottom lip, "why do you do it...make me squirm and tingle. I know you know what you're doing to me?" You huffed.

Dutch put his arm around you, pressing his hand to your waist. Your breath hitched slightly, as you felt your face heating up again.

"You mean like that," he whispered. "Because despite all your protestations, I know you like it. It feels good, doesn't it?"

You stared at him and blinked.

"And because," he added, "when you look at me like that, you drive me a little bit crazy," he purred.

You took a deep breath, and looked down. "That's what Arthur said, then he..." you let the sentence trail off.

Dutch turned to face you, and cupped your cheek in his hand.

"I would never do anything like that, and I honestly don't know what came over Arthur. Hosea and I, didn't bring him up like that."

You looked into Dutch's eyes, and he gazed back into yours.

"I care for you Blair, and I only do the things I do, because I know deep down it makes you feel good. You're growing into a fine young woman."

You felt your face heat again, and the hint of a smile, fell across your face.

"Now, I promised you a holster, and I also have another gift for you." he added.

You grinned, "another gift, what is it?" you asked, excitement in your voice.

Dutch chuckled, "if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it."

Dutch put his arm around you once again, this time you relaxed at his touch, as you walked into the gunsmiths.

As you approached the counter, the gunsmith beamed at Dutch.

"Is it ready?" Dutch asked the gunsmith.

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