Chapter 10

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The next time you woke, you were relieved to see Susan sitting there, rather than Dutch or Arthur. You wondered if Hosea had spoken to them, since he left you.

Susan smiled, when she saw that you were awake.

"How are you feeling, Blair?" she asked, sympathetically.

You looked down at your bandaged side. "Sore, but not as tired as I was."

Susan nodded, "That's good, I'll go and find Dutch, I know he wants to talk to you." she stated, standing up.

"Please don't," you begged.

Susan frowned, "why not Blair, what's the problem."

You thought for a moment, you didn't really want to tell her the real reason. That Dutch and Arthur were fighting over you.

"I'd just rather not having any men in my tent at all," you admitted.

Susan folded her arms, "Well, its Dutch's camp, so there's not a lot I can do to stop him, but I can pass on your request!"

You sighed. "Thank you, Susan. I would appreciate it."

She nodded, "I'll get you some food, you need to eat something to help get your strength back."

You watched as she left the tent, suddenly you felt vulnerable. You kind of wished you hadn't said anything. When Susan told Dutch that you didn't want any men in your tent, the first thing he would do, would be to come in and find out why.

It was then the realisation hit you, that you had, nothing on your top, except your underwear and bandages

You tried to sit up, a hiss escaped your lips, and you closed your eyes. The sharp pain in your side, forcing you to lay back down again.

"You should be resting!"

Your eyes snapped open, as soon as you heard the voice.

Dutch stood in the doorway, a bowl of food in his hand.

He slowly walked across the tent, towards the cot, and placed the bowl on a small table next to it.

Dutch sat down on the edge of the cot.

"Here, let me help," he offered.

You didn't have a great deal of choice, and besides it didn't appear to be a question.

You felt his hand slide underneath you, his hand resting on the soft bare skin of your back. You trembled, as he slowly helped you to sit.

His hand stayed on your back, as he watched your face. He slowly began to trace circular patterns on your back, with the tips of his fingers.

"Dutch...Please don't," you pleaded.

A shiver ran down your spine, sending a warm sensation in the pit of your stomach

He smirked at you, "Why?"

"Please Dutch... I don't like..." you gasped, unable to finish your sentence.

His fingers trailed down the ridges of your spine, making you whole body tingle.

You let out a quiet moan.

"You don't like it? Your body is betraying you, Blair." he purred.

He gently stroked your face with his other hand, at the same time running his hand up and down your spine.

"I think you like it quite a lot, isn't that the case?" Dutch whispered, as he moved his head closer to yours.

You closed your eyes, not wanting to answer him. You were feeling sensations you hadn't felt before.

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