Chapter 28

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The light that permeated the bedroom gave everything an orange glow, as the sun set.

Despite being naked, and the lack of hot sun to warm the house. You didn't feel cold, as heat radiated from Dutch's body, his arms wrapped around you, and yours wrapped around him.

You realised as you woke, that Dutch was already awake. He must have noticed the change, when you awoke, because he started to move his fingertips up and down your back, causing you to squirm.

He chuckled, "ticklish are you?"

You giggled, "No!"

Dutch hummed, "you shouldn't lie to me, Blair."

His fingers drifted around to your waist and stomach, as he tickled you mercilessly.

You squealed, and squirmed. His response was a chuckle, that was almost a growl.

Dutch stopped, as you lay there gasping for breath.

"Now, tell me? Are you ticklish, Blair?" he questioned, a growl in his voice.

You nodded, "yes, but please don't!" You begged.

Dutch chuckled, "you better get up then, before I change my mind."

You scooted out of bed, and put some clothes on.

"You're a very mean man, Dutch Van Der Linde," you smirked.

Dutch lay on the bed, watching you get dressed. "I'll remember that, next time you beg for mercy," he chuckled.

You turned around, and poked your tongue out at him, giggling.

Dutch jumped off the bed, and ran towards you. You squealed, as he wrapped his arms around you, pinning your arms at your sides. He hummed, "now what shall I do with you?"

You gazed at him, with soulful eyes.

He chuckled, "you'll look at me like that once too often." he released your arms, then cupped your cheek in his hand. His lips met yours in a deep kiss, which you returned, resting your hand on his cheek.

You both stopped, hearing a knock on the door. Dutch grabbed his shirt.

"Yes," he called out, smirking at you.

"It's Arthur," came the voice from the other side of the door.

Dutch chuckled, "we'll be out in a minute." he replied.

Dutch put on his gun belt, and waistcoat. He held out his hand, which you took. He opened the door into the sitting room.

Arthur stood there smiling as you both walked through, hand in hand.

"Hosea wanted me to make sure you brought Blair down for some supper, and he wants to talk to you about the ball tomorrow night!" Arthur concluded.

"Crap," Dutch grumbled, "I'd forgotten about that."

You tilted your head to one side, "A ball? Can I go?" you asked excitedly.

Dutch hummed, as he wrapped his arm around your waist, "c'mon, lets go and talk to Hosea."

Hosea looked at Dutch, then at you, "No, its too risky. Blair needs to keep a low profile, at least for a couple of months," he concluded.

Dutch rolled his eyes, "It's a ball at the Mayors house, where's the risk?"

"Please Hosea," you begged, "I've never been to a ball! I could pretend to be your manservant."

Dutch laughed, "No way, if you go Blair, you'll be on my arm, wearing a ballgown."

You frowned, "A dress! Seriously?"

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