Chapter 13

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You looked again at the gun in your hand.

"Will you teach me to shoot it? I mean properly?" You asked, tilting your head.

Dutch chuckled, "Well Arthur is probably a better shot than me," he admitted, "but as you ask so nicely, how can I refuse."

You held the gun out straight and closed one eye.

Dutch chuckled as he put his hand over yours, and gently lowered the gun.

"Be careful, it's already loaded. You wouldn't want to shoot anyone by accident, would you?"

You gasped, and laid the gun down on the cot. "No, I wouldn't want to do that."

Dutch picked up the gun, and sat down on the cot next to you.

"The most important thing, is not to be afraid of it, and to know you are always in control of it."

You nodded. Dutch handed the gun back to you. You took it, making sure to point it towards the ground.

Dutch smiled, "there you go, always remember you are in control of the gun, the gun isn't in control of you."

You smiled, "I still think it's beautiful."

"Well, when you're able to ride, I'll take you into Rhodes, and buy you a holster to put it in." Dutch promised.

Dutch glanced up, hearing his name being called.

"Dutch!" Micah yelled, "we need to talk. You need to see this." He waved a newspaper in the air.

Dutch stood up and walked to meet Micah, a few yards away from the tent.

"What's the urgency," Dutch growled at Micah, glancing back over his shoulder, he looked at you and smiled.

Micah stared into the tent at you, distracted from his discussion with Dutch.

He lowered his voice, "have you fucked her yet?" he smirked.

"Micah, enough," Dutch growled, his face flushing with anger.

Micah laughed, "you haven't, have you. What's wrong with you? I would have fucked her so hard she screamed, that's the best way with a virgin ya know."

Dutch stared at Micah, and balled his fists. Unable to contain his anger, he lashed out. Punching Micah in the face, his rings, cutting into Micah's cheek before he hit the floor.

"You go anywhere near her, you filthy bastard, and I swear I'll kill you," Dutch snarled.

Micah quickly picked himself up off the ground, glaring at Dutch.

"No one punches Micah Bell, No one!" he hissed, as he drew his gun, and pointed it at Dutch.

You had watched this from the tent, hearing Micah's words had made you feel sick. When you saw him draw his gun, and threaten Dutch, you knew what you had to do.

Your heart was beating so hard, it felt like a herd of mustangs was galloping through your chest.

With your gun, still in your hand, you climbed off the cot. Adrenaline surging through your body, you ignored the pain that ripped through your side.

By the time Micah stood up with the gun, he had his back towards Dutch's tent.

You raised the gun, pointed it at his back, and pulled the trigger.

Dutch, who heard the gunshot, was surprised that he didn't have a bullet in his chest. Micah was even more surprised. Realising he had been shot in the back, he turned round.

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