Chapter 27

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Arthur whispered in your ear, "just tell him."

He stood up, and smiled at Dutch, as he walked towards the door.

"Hold up, son. I'll walk with you." Dutch urged.

Dutch brought you the plate of food. "Is everything ok?" he asked.

You quickly hummed acknowledgement, and grabbed the plate. Right now you couldn't look him in the eye. You were surprised that you were hungry, so you started to eat. At least that way you wouldn't have to talk. You wondered if Dutch knew what Arthur was going to say. You weren't sure what you were feeling, nervousness, excitement, fear even. You wished Arthur hadn't said anything.

You glanced up every so often, to make sure they were both leaving, which it appeared they were.

Once they had both left the room you finished the food, and put the empty plate on the side.

You got up from the bed, and quickly found your boots. The temptation was to run. But you realised that running every time you were nervous or scared was stupid. You'd run off to Valentine, and Dutch fetched you back, then to St. Denis.

He obviously cared about you, but did he really love you, he hadn't said it. More to the point did you really love him, you had missed him, missed his arms wrapped around you. But after you went to the lake, you didn't see him again until St. Denis.

You needed to stop thinking about this, get some air.

You walked out of the bedroom, into a sitting room. There were doors that lead out onto a balcony.

You opened one of the doors, and stepped out. You could see the whole camp from here, and beyond.

You walked to the edge of the balcony, and leaned on the balustrade, looking around. You saw Arthur and Dutch talking. You smiled, you were glad they were back on good terms.

You watched as they both glanced up at you.

You were about to wave, when Dutch yelled at you.

"Blair, stop! Don't move, I'm coming up!"

You frowned as you watched him run into the house.

As he came smashing through the doors that led out onto the balcony, you turned to face him.

He grabbed you and spun you around so your back was to the wall of the house.

You gasped, "what's the matter?"

He looked scared, you'd never seen him look like that before.

"After the lake, I thought..." he sighed, and closed his eyes, "I love you Blair, I don't want to lose you."

His hand touched your face, then his lips crashed against yours. Your gasped at the intensity of his kiss. As your hand touched his chest, you felt his tongue dart across yours. You kissed him back, as both his hands raked through your hair.

You lips parted, and his face was just inches away from your own, his hands still holding your head.

"Say it, Blair. Just say it?" he demanded.

Your breath hitched in your throat, and you heart started pounding. His mouth went to your neck, gently biting and kissing you.

"Say it!" he whispered.

You swallowed, "I... I."

You gasped again, as one of his hands moved from your head, and slid up the back of your shirt, his fingers tracing circles on the bare skin of your back.

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