Chapter 18

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You lay on the bed for what seemed like an eternity. Every so often, Dutch would glance at you and smile, then return to his sketchpad, the pencil scratching across the paper.

Eventually, the light that came into the room from the window, started to fade, as the sun started to set.

Dutch stopped drawing, and lay his sketchpad on the table.

"Can I see?" You asked, looking towards him.

Dutch stood up and removed his jacket, and hung it on the hook on the back of the door.

He looked at you and smiled, "It's not finished yet, but I should be able to draw the rest from memory."

You watched as Dutch pulled the small box from the pocket of his coat. He walked across the room, and placed it on the table next to the bed.

Your focus switched from Dutch to the box.

"Can I have it now," you whispered.

Dutch chuckled, "Patience Blair, all in good time."

You looked back at Dutch, you gasped. You weren't sure how long you had been staring at the box, but his waistcoat and shirt were now folded on the chair. You watched as he removed his gun belt. After placing it on the chair, he walked over to the bed.

"Wh... What are you doing?" you stuttered.

"It's too late to ride back tonight, we might as well stay here. It's not like we haven't shared a bed before, is it?" Dutch smirked.

Of course, this was true. When you first arrived at Clemens point, you woke up in Dutch's cot. But this felt different.

Dutch sat on the edge of the bed, and held out his hands, "sit up," he requested. You took his hands, and he pulled you forward until you were sitting.

Dutch picked up the box from the table, and opened it.

He pulled out the locket, dangling it by the chain.

You looked at it, and smiled, "you fixed it!" you exclaimed.

Dutch smiled, as he placed the locket over your head, putting his hands under your hair and untucking it from the chain.

You put your hand over the heart shaped locket, and looked at him.

"Why did you do this for me?" you asked.

Dutch smiled, "sometimes, people need a little guidance, to be shown the way." He hesitated, and put his hand on your cheek. "You're a good girl, Blair. You just need to be pointed in the right direction."

He put his other hand, on your back, gently caressing the skin with his fingertips.

You felt a tingle run down your spine,

"You are so beautiful, I hope my drawing can do you justice," he whispered.

Dutch pressed his lips to yours. His kiss was gentle but firm, but as his kiss became more hungry, you found yourself kissing him back. His tongue, begged for entry, which you happily allowed. As his tongue darted across your own, you tasted the brandy from earlier. There was no fight for dominance, as your tongues tasted each other.

You pressed your hand to his chest, it felt like granite. A solid wall of muscle. If he wanted to force himself on you, he could. You wouldn't be able to stop him. But for some reason, unlike with Arthur, Dutch made you feel safe. He had asked you if you trusted him, and although you had said yes, at the time you still hadn't been quite sure. Now you were.

Dutch ended the kiss, and stood up. He slowly removed his trousers and climbed onto the bed next to you.

Your breath hitched in your throat, whilst you were sure that he wouldn't do anything, you had never seen a man naked before, also you were naked yourself.

Dutch wrapped his arms around your waist, and encouraged you to lay down. You could feel his chest on your back, his hand gently resting on your bare stomach. He peppered your neck with kisses, slowly working his way along your shoulders. His hands holding you firmly. One of his hands, slid from your stomach to the top of your thigh, his fingertips tracing circles. You moaned as all the nerves in your body tingled.

Dutch chuckled, then rested his hand on your thigh.

He gently kissed your neck one last time.

"Close your eyes," he purred. "Try and get some sleep."

You lay there for a while, thinking about what Arthur had tried, and how Dutch hadn't really tried anything.

Dutch sensed, that you weren't trying to sleep.

"What are you thinking about, princess?" he whispered in your ear.

You thought for a minute, not sure how to explain what you were thinking.

"I'm just curious, why you're such a gentleman," you replied.

Dutch chuckled, and remove his hands from your stomach.

"Turn around," he said.

You turned over so that you were facing him, your felt heat in your face, as well as in your core.

Dutch stroked your face, with his hand, "Blair, sweetheart. The things I wanna do to you. The way I want to make you moan. You have no idea," his voice almost growling.

You gasped, wondering what he meant.

He smiled, and brushed a loose strand of hair from your face. "But I won't, at least not yet. You're not ready for that yet. Instead, I'll just take every opportunity to touch your beautiful body, and feel it react. To hold you and kiss you." he purred
His lips crashed against yours as he kissed you deeply and passionately. You kissed him back. Your fingertips pressing into his chest.
When your lips parted you smiled softly. "What if I said I was ready?" You whispered, tentatively.
Dutch gazed at you for a moment, your eyes meeting.
"I'd know you weren't telling the truth. You'd just be saying that to please me, wouldn't you?"

You nodded, as you blushed.

"You're a good girl, Blair. When the time comes," he hesitated, "I'll know."
Dutch smiled and moved his hand from your face and cupped it over your breast gently squeezing it. He took your erect and sensitive nipple, between his thumb and forefinger gently squeezing and rolling it.
The sensation was something you'd never felt before. You whimpered. As your whole body shuddered and your back arched reacting to the pleasure and the pain. Your breath coming in shallow gasps.
Dutch moved his hand from your breast to your face, and gently stroked your cheek. "So beautiful, and so innocent," he whispered. "You need to stay that way, for a little longer." He kissed your forehead.

Dutch slipped his hand under your body, so that it was resting on your back, and pulled you closer to him. You felt a shiver run down your spine, and a burning sensation in your core. Your body trembled, as you felt his skin next to yours. You rested your head on his chest, your hand resting on his stomach.

Dutch's hand ran up and down your back, then rested on the cheek of your bottom. His fingers started to knead the flesh. You gasped.

Dutch chuckled. "You're just too fucking gorgeous." He purred as he kissed the top of your head, his hand now resting on the cheek of your bottom, every so often, just stroking it.

You closed your eyes, the warmth of his body next to yours, comforting. You soon drifted off to sleep.

Dutch looked at you and smiled. He watched your chest rise and fall. He could see the outline of your ribs. You're body was so small and petite. He gazed across your body, his eyes resting on your mound. Dutch ran his tongue over his lips. It was going to take all his self control to leave you alone, but that was one thing he was good at. He was also determined that no one else should take advantage of you. That, however, might prove a little more difficult.

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