Chapter 15

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You lay on the cot, staring at Arthur. Was he really going to do this to you. You struggled against the ropes, trying to move away from him.

Arthur looked at you and chuckled, "be a good girl now," he purred.

You screamed, louder than you had ever screamed before.

It took Arthur slightly by surprise. You'd seen what Dutch had done, when Micah had threatened to do what Arthur was currently contemplating.

You could only hope, Dutch was in earshot.

Arthur immediately clamped his hand over your mouth, which muffled your scream.

"That was a very silly thing to do, princess," he snarled, "you're gonna be sorry, for that!"

Your guardian angel, whoever that was, must have been looking over your shoulder. Because although Dutch wasn't in earshot, someone else was.

Susan Grimshaw came running into the tent, when she heard you scream.

"Mr Morgan, what the hell do you think you're doing," she hissed.

Arthur snapped his head round. "She was trying to escape," he explained.

You tried to talk, to tell Susan that Arthur was lying. But his hand still covered your mouth, muffling anything you tried to say.

Susan folded her arms and stared at Arthur, "get out of here, right this minute," she shouted.

Arthur glared at you, "say anything, and I'll come back and slit your throat," he growled in your ear, so that only you could hear.

Arthur stood up, and looked at Susan, "she's a sly one, that," he said, motioning towards you with his head. "I wouldn't believe a word she says!"

He walked past Susan and out of the tent.

A tear escaped your eye, and you turned your head to the wall of the tent.

Susan walked over, and covered you with the blanket.

"Your trembling, Blair. What happened, what was Arthur doing?" she asked, concerned.

You just shook your head, and kept your face, turned to the canvas. You couldn't, however, stop a sob escaping your lips.

Susan sat on the edge of the cot, and put a hand on your shoulder. You flinched, and squeezed your eyes shut.

Any trust that you had in the people surrounding you, had completely evaporated.

Despite being tied up, you managed to roll yourself onto your side, and bring your knees into your chest. Another sob escaped from your lips, and you buried your head in your chest.

You felt the cot rise, as Susan stood up, then you heard the tent flap close, as she left you alone.

You heard, voices outside, but you couldn't make out what they were saying. You recognised them though. They belonged to Susan, and Hosea.

You lay there on the cot, sobbing silently for some time. The only relief you had, was that Arthur hadn't come back. But then neither had anyone else.

As the sun started to set, the tent became darker. The darker it became, the more fearful you were that Arthur would come back.

When you heard the tent flap open, you screwed your eyes closed, and a whimper escaped from your lips.

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