Chapter 26

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Your body clock, so used to rising early, roused you just before dawn. Dutch's arms were tightly wrapped around you. You wriggled, and opened your eyes, unaware of your surroundings.

Dutch kissed your collar bone, "go back to sleep," whispered.

"But..." you started.

He chuckled, "no buts, your not going anywhere." his hand brushed your thigh, as he slipped it under the shirt you were wearing, and he rested it gently on your stomach. You trembled, and moaned, pressing your back into his chest, as you felt your heartbeat race. But as the warmth of him radiated your body, you smiled. You had missed this more than you realised.

"I nearly lost you once, I'm not losing you again," he purred.

You closed your eyes, as you felt his hand starting to rub circles on your stomach.

"I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice cracking.

He hushed you, and your kissed neck, "close your eyes, sweetheart."

You did as he asked, without any hesitation. It was still dark, and sleep came easily.

The brightness of the room, woke you. Although you screwed your eyes shut, trying to keep the light at bay. You had slept longer than you had for weeks. Your head hurt, mostly due to the suns rays. If you were honest, you hadn't seen much of the sun, whilst you were in St. Denis. Rising before dawn, and being stuck inside the stables, until almost sunset.

You weren't sure why, but you were surprised to still feel Dutch's warmth next to you.

You were laying on your side, your head resting on his chest, your hand draped across his stomach. His hand was tracing patterns up and down your back.

His other hand gently stroking your cheek.

"You ready to wake up yet," he chuckled.

You groaned, "head hurts."

Dutch hummed, "you're too thin, Blair. We need to get some meat on your bones."

Your brought your hand to your forehead, and groaned. "too much sleep."

Dutch chuckled, "get used to it, you're going to be resting lots, until you're well."

You pulled your hand away, and forced your eyes open, frowning. "I'm not ill!" you retorted.

Dutch Sat up, gently removing your head from his chest, and laying it on the bed.

"You're as weak as a kitten, you haven't been eating enough, your body had started to shut down." he lectured.

You sighed, "I'm just a bit tired, is all," you protested.

Dutch took your hand, "come with me." he urged.

You climbed off the bed, your hand in his. Dutch lead you to the opposite side of the room. He started to unbutton the shirt you were wearing.

"What are you doing?" you asked, trying to stop him.

He hushed you, "just trust me," he whispered.

You let him finish unbutton the shirt. Once he had, he stood behind you. You were standing in front of a mirror. Dutch gently slid the shirt off your shoulders.

"look," he whispered.

You looked at yourself in the mirror. You didn't actually recognised yourself. You were painfully thin. All your bones were sticking out. Your face looked pale. Your short hair, making it look worse.

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