Chapter 19

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You slept soundly all through the night. Whether it was the warmth of Dutch's body next to yours, or the fact that you were in a real bed, in a building, you weren't sure.

You would have probably carried on sleeping, but you were gently woken by Dutch.

"Blair, wake up honey, quickly, we have to leave." he whispered.

You slowly stirred, groaning slightly.

"C'mon," he urged.

You felt his warm hands on your back, gently sitting you up.

"Wh... What's going on," you moaned, still half asleep.

"Bounty hunters! Now hurry up," he warned.

Your eyes shot open, "Clothes," you mumbled.

Dutch passed you your clothes, you looked at him. He was already dressed.

Once you'd put on your underwear, he helped you on with your shirt, and trousers.

You quickly buckled on your gun belt, and slid into your boots.

Rubbing your eyes, you stood up.

Dutch already had one of his guns drawn, and he pressed his forefinger to his lips. Signalling you to be quiet.

All sorts of nightmare scenarios flashed through your mind. But one was right at the forefront. You're god-damn grandfather, and his sleazy oilman friend.

Dutch slowly opened the door of the room, and peered into the corridor outside. It was all clear for now.

You both crept into the corridor, moving as quietly as you could. Dutch didn't really want to get involved in a shoot-out, but he would if it was the only way.

As you reached the end of the corridor, Dutch held his hand up, signalling for you to stop. He peered round the corner, the curved staircase lead down to the main bar. You could hear voices.

"We're looking for this young woman, she may be alone or she may be with someone."

You wondered if the man behind the bar, was the same as the one who was on last night. If he was, he'd probably give you away, for the right amount of money. If not, then you both might be in luck.

The barkeep hummed, "don't recognise her. What's she done?"

"Nothing that concerns you," the bounty hunter grunted.

You heard the noise of a door closing.

Dutch waiting for a few moments more, before you both headed downstairs. He urged you to stay slightly back.

Dutch walked over to the barkeep. "Here, take this and you never saw us!"

He beckoned you down the stairs.

The barkeep looked at you, as you came down the stairs. He looked at Dutch.

"What did she do?" he asked.

Dutch chuckled, "She pissed off her family, but she's got a new family now!"

The barkeep looked at you. Your hair was all over the place. He then looked at Dutch.

"Say no more, guvnor," he tapped the side of his nose.

You could tell what he was thinking. Dutch looked at you and frowned, before you had a chance to say anything or pull a face.

"C'mon," Dutch, beckoned you over.

As he headed towards the main door, the barkeep called over, "I'd use the back way, if I were you!" he gestured towards a single door, with his thumb.

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