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The sun dropped low in the sky, reflecting in the water, as it rushed headlong over the rocks, plunging over the edge as it hit the lower Montana river below.

The waterfall was beautiful.

Dutch looked between the grave and the waterfall.

"Blair would have loved this spot," he sighed.

Arthur and Hosea nodded.

Blair had given them so much.

Dutch probably shouldn't have told Javier and Charles to kill Blair's grandfather, when they left the church that day, but he did.

Blair knew it too, but she never said anything, she didn't really have time to.

It meant that all of Oliver McMahon estate, went to Blair. Millions of dollars worth of property and land.

Dutch wasn't able to do anything when Blair had finally slipped away, dying in his arms. So Hosea had dealt with everything. The last thing she was able to do, was to give the gang the place they had so long been searching for, finally free.

There wasn't one person in the gang who didn't think the cost had been too high.

The three of them came out here, every weekend. It was almost like being here, they could be with Blair.

To be honest, Dutch came here more often than that. He would sit by the grave, and talk, and cry.

If anyone had seen him, they would have thought he was crazy.

He somehow managed to keep it together, when Hosea and Arthur were with him. She had been right in that respect. As long as Arthur and Hosea were with him, it would be ok.

He didn't feel ok most of the time.

Arthur had been right. He told her once that the world didn't deserve her.

Dutch, though not a great believer, felt that god had thought the same.

Arthur started to cough.

"Are you ok, son." Dutch asked.

Arthur nodded, as he wiped the blood he had coughed into his hand, down his trousers.

Arthur sighed, he hadn't been able to tell Dutch or Hosea, how ill he was. Not so close to losing Blair.

He only hoped that when his time came, which he felt would be soon, that he would be joining Blair, he doubted it though. Blair was pretty much guaranteed a place in heaven. Him, he thought, not so much.

The End

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