Chapter 2

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You guessed you had slept for pretty much the rest of the day and all night. When you looked out the window, there was a just a hint of light, as you saw the golden orb, which was the sun, just peaking above the horizon.

You shivered, you were still cold. Everyone around here seemed to be wearing thick winter coats, you weren't, so you wrapped the blanket around your shoulders, before opening the bedroom door.

Glancing around at the room you had been brought to last night, you checked out the fire. It had all but died, with just a few glowing embers. You walked over and held out your hands, but there was little additional warmth to be had.

It looked like no one was up yet either. This was good, for you at least. There was something you had to do, cold or not. You wrapped the blanket around you a bit tighter, and headed for the door.

It was still bitterly cold outside, but at least it wasn't snowing. You scanned the area, and saw a young dark skinned man at the end of the compound. There were entrances to the east and the west. But only one guard. He couldn't be in two places at once thankfully. You spied your horse, Lily. The one they had taken from the barn. Luckily for you she was hitched, at the opposite end to where the young man was guarding.

You shivered again, and crept over to her, quietly unhitching her, then double checking that the guard was looking elsewhere, you quietly led her out of the compound.

You quickly mounted and pushed her into a gently trot. Holding your hands to her neck for warmth. You managed to get your bearings, thanks to the position of the sun, and quickly headed back to the ranch.

Thankfully the ranch wasn't far from the old mining town of Colter. Your father had told you about it, when you first arrived. Telling you it was deserted, and best avoided. You now knew why. It was an ideal camp for the lawless. You did wonder if your father had known how bad it was out here with outlaws and such, before he came. Possibly you thought, which was why it had taken so long for him to send for you. Or maybe that was down to Sadie as well. A loose end she couldn't too easily deal with.

As you approached the ranch, your breath hitched in your throat. Arthur Morgan and the other man, Charles, had been true to their word. They'd even fashioned a cross, where they had buried your father.

You quickly hitched Lily. There was something you had to do first, before you said a proper goodbye.

You walked back in to the remains of the house. Right to the back, where your bedroom had been.

Everything was mostly burnt, and ashen. You dug around in the soot, searching. Your fingers eventually found what you were looking for. You were thankful that metal doesn't tend to burn. You dusted off the soot, from the small box, and opened it. The contents were still intact. A small silver locket, on a chain. You quickly slipped it over your head, and went back outside, to where your fathers grave was.

You put your hand inside your boot, and pulled out a knife. The outlaws hadn't bothered to check to see if you had anything on you besides the gun. Not that you could kill anyone with this, it was too small.

You took hold of the cross, and started cutting letters into it. You fingers were beginning to feel numb, so you stopped for a moment and blew on them, to try and warm them up. Then you continued carving on the cross.

Once you had finished you slipped the knife back inside your boot, and knelt at the grave.

Looking at the words you had carved. 'Jake Adler' at least people would know who was buried here.

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