Chapter 6

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The three of you left the Emerald Ranch in high spirits. You because of the money you'd just earned, and Arthur and Hosea, because of the job going smoothly, and making a good contact with Seamus.

Your thoughts then turned to your daddy. Despite what Hosea had said, you realised that what you had just done was illegal. You also knew your daddy would have been horrified at the thought.

Hosea noticed you had become quiet.

"Is everything alright, Blair. You're a bit quiet?" Hosea asked, as you rode along.

You sighed, "just thinking about my daddy, is all." you replied, quietly.

"Guess your daddy wouldn't have approved of what we did today," Arthur scoffed.

Hosea frowned at Arthur. "Not everyone was born into the outlaw life, Arthur!"

You looked at Hosea, "born? What do you mean?" you queried.

Hosea chuckled, "most of the people back at camp, came to us younger than you. Lost their parents, or were escaping from some sort of trouble. John, for example, he was only twelve and about to be hung." His face became more serious, "lots of kids aren't as lucky as you, Blair."

"I don't feel that lucky, right now." you admitted, pouting slightly.

"Sorry Blair, that was a poor choice of words," Hosea apologised, "but things could be a lot worse!" he added.

You nodded, you supposed he was right, you could still be freezing to death on the mountain for a start.

"So what did your daddy do, before he came to the Grizzlies?" Arthur asked, attempting to change the subject.

"He raised horses," you smiled, and patted Lily, "I used to help him. Sometimes, we would go and catch wild ones." you added.

Arthur chuckled, and pointed to a group of horses in the distance, "like those?"

You looked in the direction where Arthur was pointing, and saw a herd of wild horses.

"Yeah," you smiled, "just like those."

You looked across at the horses, what you wouldn't give to be back on the ranch, catching and breaking horses, with your daddy.

Hosea's voice broke into your thoughts.

"So how come your daddy brought you to the mountains?" Hosea asked, confusion in his voice.

"They wanted a fresh start," you scoffed.

"Ahh your daddy and Sadie!" Hosea concluded.

"Sadie did!" you hissed, your lip curling slightly.

Hosea looked at your expression, and decided to leave it there.

"C'mon, let's get back, Dutch'll wanna know how you got on."

You pushed Lily on, and followed the two men, glancing over your shoulder every so often, at the wild horses.

As the three of you rode up the track, you heard Javier.

"Who's there!" he yelled.

"Arthur, Hosea and Blair, coming in!" Arthur yelled.

As you passed, Javier winked at you, so you smiled back, and waved.

Arthur looked at you and frowned.

"What!" you shrugged, "I'm just bein' friendly!"

Once the three of you had dismounted, Hosea headed towards Dutch's tent. You were about to follow him, when Arthur grabbed your shoulder.

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