Chapter 25

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You frowned, at Hosea. "Nothing happened. I'm fine."

"When did you last eat?" Hosea asked.

"Last night. You'll have to leave though, because supper is at 6.30." you remarked.

Hosea shook his head, "when did you last bathe, or change your clothes?"

You shrugged, "I haven't had time to get a bath, or buy spare clothes."

Dutch stood up, "I've heard enough, c'mon Blair, I'm taking you home."

You rolled your eyes, "really I'm fine, anyway I have a job."

Hosea nodded, "a job? Doing what? What does it pay?" he challenged.

"At the stables, three dollars a day," you declared. "the owner thinks I'm good with the horses."

Dutch looked at you in disbelief, then glanced at Hosea, "go get her stuff, we'll stop at the hotel tonight, and head back in the morning."

You frowned, "What stuff, anyway I said I'm fine. I need to do this."

Dutch walked over, and put his hands on your shoulders. He could feel your bones, poking through your skin.

"Have you looked at your self in the mirror recently, Blair. You look ill!"

You gasped, "your hurting me," you winced.

Dutch put his hand on your face, "Blair, honey. I'm barely touching you. You're skin and bone. Your barely eating enough to keep you going, let alone work a full day. Your gonna kill yourself!"

Hosea walked out the door, and closed it behind him. Leaving you in the parlour with Dutch.

You forced a smile, "its not for long, just until I turn 18. I'll be fine, really."

Dutch sighed, "Well at least let me buy you dinner, and get you a bath."

You rolled your eyes, "ok," you agreed.

"Why don't you go and give The Count a fuss, he missed you. He's hitched just outside." Dutch suggested.

You nodded, you hadn't even noticed The Count, and Silver Dollar when you came to the lodging. Your mind must have been elsewhere.

You walked over to the two horses, and patted The Count on the neck. He nudged you with his nose, sending you flying backwards. You sat on the ground looking up at him. "That's a fine welcome!" you chuckled.

Dutch came running out the house, followed by Hosea.

"Are you ok, Blair?" he asked, as he helped you to your feet.

You rolled your eyes, "Brute just caught me unawares."

Hosea looked at you, shaking his head. He realised that you had now idea how weak and malnourished you had become, in such a short space of time.

"Dutch, why don't you get Blair a bath, and order some food, I'll pickup some clean clothes, and meet you there." Hosea suggested.

Dutch nodded, "good idea," they looked at each other, knowingly.

"Come on Blair, lets head over to the hotel." Dutch said, as he lifted you onto The Count.

Dutch mounted up behind you, and wrapped his arm around you.

You winced slightly.

"Sorry sweetheart, is that too tight," he asked.

You nodded, "a little,"

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