Chapter 21

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You stared at Dutch, open mouthed. Trying to let it sink in. This was crazy.

"No!" you yelled, "I'm not marrying anyone," You turned around and walked away, your heart beating so hard you could hear it in your ears.

You felt tears running down your cheek.

"Blair! Come here," Dutch demanded.

"No!" you ran towards the lake.

As you ran past the main campfire, you felt eyes following you. You didn't really look to see who was there. To be honest you didn't really care.

You reached the edge of the lake, and heard footsteps behind you.

"Don't walk away from me!" Dutch warned.

You stopped, and spun around glaring at him, "Why? What will you do? Tie me up? Shoot me? Rape me? Force me to marry you? Turn me in for the reward? Seems like you're choices are endless!" you hissed.

"Blair, I won't make you do anything you don't want to, I promise." Dutch pleaded.

You looked at him, eyes narrowed, "Why should I believe you, everyone I ever knew, lied to me. Except my mother, and look where that got her, she's dead!

You put your hand on the gun in your holster.

"Don't do anything stupid!" Dutch warned.

You scowled at him, "Don't worry, I'm not gonna try and kill myself, if that's what you're worried about. Maybe I'll do what the rest of my family does, kill anyone that gets in my way!" you snarled.

"Blair, no one wants you to be like the rest of your family, especially me, I don't want you to think you have to turn into a killer, just to survive!" Dutch concluded.

"Bit late for that!" you scoffed, "I've already killed two people, what difference will a few more make!"

"Listen to me..." Dutch started.

"No," you screamed, "I'm done listening. You're no different from the rest, you just want me for my money. That's all anyone wants," you sobbed.

Dutch walked towards you, and attempted to put his hand on your shoulder.

"Don't touch me," you yelled. "I'm not marrying you, I'm not marrying anyone, not until I find someone I love!"

Dutch stared at you, the silence was almost deafening.

"You don't feel anything for me?" He asked, his voice cracking.

You stared at him, you could see the hurt in his face.

"I... No... I don't know." you sobbed, and ran along the shoreline. You glanced behind you a couple of times. Dutch wasn't following, and Hosea now stood next to him. You had no idea what they were saying, but they both stared after you.

You hadn't exactly left camp, but you had found your way to a secluded area. Surrounded by trees. You sat on the ground, and leant against a large oak. You were out of breath from running, and crying. You pulled your knees up to your chest, wrapping your arms around them, and leant your head against the tree. What were you going to do now? You felt something for Dutch, but what exactly.

You heard a twig snap, You quickly opened your eyes, relieved to see that it wasn't Dutch standing there looking at you, but it felt a bit like out of the frying pan and into the fire.

"It can be dangerous for little princess's to be alone in the woods," Arthur smirked.

You closed your eyes, and leant your head back. "Go ahead, slit my throat, or rape me, put me out of my misery, I really don't care any more," you said, as your voice cracked and a sob escaped your lips. Tears escaped you eyes, and trickled down your cheek.

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